(open, save, copy) stltoday.com. He landed on the hard ground with a curse and darted to his feet, chasing … You belong here by your son's side to help him get better, not off chasing rainbows. Beat Fitzgerald in the election and then start your term of office chasing down some ancient murder if you want. The warmth returned to his eyes, chasing a flood of heat up her throat. more_vert. He was described as chasing the British squadron all round the lake, but his encounters did not go beyond artillery duels at long range, and he allowed his enemy to continue in existence long after he might have been destroyed. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. In the mean time, maybe if she stopped running, he'd stop chasing. From the verb chase: (⇒ conjugate) chasing is: ⓘ Click the infinitive to see all available inflections v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." From the verb chase: (⇒ conjugate) chasing is: ⓘ Click the infinitive to see all available inflections v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." For basic children's clothing, to more formal attire, Halloween costumes, and family-related jewelry and kids' toys, Chasing Fireflies aims not only to dress children, but also to enchant the adults surrounding that child. more_vert. Rescue the Band: Rescue the Swedish band OK Go from kidnappers by chasing down the blue van. High quality example sentences with “we started chasing” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English At the same time you'd be leading that greedy army who are chasing the million dollar reward. Chasing Fireflies is one children's boutique that does a great job of stocking the boys' section! It sounded as if half a legion of armed Immortals was chasing someone through the fortress. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Active verb form: second form of the verb. more_vert. Passive verb form: was/were + past participle form of the verb. In 1747 he ran his ship the "Maidstone" (so) ashore near Belleisle while chasing a French vessel, but was honourably acquitted by a court martial, and reappointed to another command. Maybe After would be interested in chasing down a well-placed tip. ; Growing up on an Arizona ranch, little Sandra Day used to chase rainbows. Chasing Fireflies offers gift certificates, personalized and ready-made gifts, shoes, hair accessories, swimsuits, and more! Rug Dog: This adorable bag features the high energy and athleticism of the Rhodesian Ridgeback, as the dog is seen chasing after another. Found 238 sentences matching phrase "chasing".Found in 4 ms. Instead, they wind up playing with it like more of a soccer ball, chasing it around the yard and house.You can find the Doggie Dooley at Petsmart.com. However, you need to apply proper grammar rules in any sentence. ; Record yourself saying 'chasing' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. They are extremely tenacious, often chasing their prey to the end. To many dogs, the idea of chasing or batting around a ball can be ideal entertainment. The difficulties of coaling and the obligations of neutrality hampered these commerce-destroyers as much as the Federal vessels that were chasing them, but, in spite of drawbacks, the guerre de course was the most successful warlike operation undertaken by the Confederacy. While I dared not say it for fear of being accused of insensitivity, I wondered if the death of Gladys Gillespie might enhance her credibility, reducing the number of those chasing the real Psychic Tipster. 2. Tell me you're not this psychic guy that's got everyone chasing after ghosts 'cause I have to tell you I'm from Missouri and you've got to show me. Ken disappears into his chalet, and I sit and watch the seabirds - two huge black storks, and an ibis chasing crabs. When a youth reaches a certain age, he or she typically abandons hopscotch and skipping rope for more mature endeavors (such as chasing squirrels with a pellet gun). An essential antidote to chasing the Holy Grail of some absolute standard of 100% quality. If this is Byrne we're chasing, he's cautious as a clam. At stake here is not just the billions of dollars NASA has wasted chasing chimeras, but the very integrity of scientific exploration. Chasing Fireflies offers an extensive collection of clothing for girls of all ages. Chasing a fish tail first with a slow boat was never too successful and head on, the point of meeting came quicker. Q: What is the difference between to give up chasing and to stop chasing? We have been told the place we live in is haunted and wonder if she is playing and chasing ghosts, or is she getting back to kittenhood after being spayed? Du solltest erkennen, auf welche Situation, Person(en) oder Problematik angespielt wird und welche Meinung der cartoonist diesbezüglich hat. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Example Sentences for "chase" A witness chased the burglar, but he couldn't catch himMy neighbor's dog chased our cat up a tree, and now she won't come down. Chasing Fireflies offers a no-questions-asked, 60-day return policy on all clothing. ; In a real sense, Greenler was chasing rainbows. Context sentences for "to chase" in Polish. How To Use Chasing In a Sentence – Chasing sentence in English is simple to make. A swimsuit with a very low cut top might not stand up well to swimming or chasing youngsters along the beach. Everton, Tottenham, Man City and Villa will consistently take points off the title chasing sides.. That could see Tommy Bridewell aboard the Quay Garage Honda posing questions of the title chasing pack as he ran only marginally down in seventh place ahead of Alastair Seeley on the second Relentless Suzuki and Chris Walker riding his privately entered Suzuki Among the Madden NFL 09 cheats in this football game, the achievements may be what motivates you the most, perhaps even more than chasing after the Super Bowl. By chasing profit, you become more bland, " is Duncan's take. This video is unavailable. Dean was sure that, deep down, she thought whacking at a ball or chasing one someone else clobbered was an extended children's game and certainly not a worthwhile profession. Not all of Chasing Fireflies' merchandise is for parties or special occasions, but this label offers more than just a few options for party-bound infants. click for more sentences of chasing: 42. Traduce chasing. 20. Translate chase in context, with examples of use and definition. Perfect for the little ones, chasing fireflies has a pair of flag trunks for the youngest sunbathers. Although a string of chasing lights installed around the bathroom mirror with a chubby Santa on the back of the commode is a fun way to bring the holidays into every part of your home, make sure to keep the holiday cheer safe and sane. I could understand why he would be chasing her, but if I'd have known she'd go for a guy older than me... She finished her whiskey and sat back in the chair, its warmth chasing away her internal chill. Westlake is chasing down auction items the same as Fred, but I wonder what's so important to the Dawkins boys. Context sentences for "chasing" in Spanish. She was chasing (after) a man who … He wasn't chasing the bronze haired beauty, but running through the woods with her, laughing. chasen heated the heroin turns black and wriggles like a snake, hence the term ' chasing the dragon ' . Spinning color wheels, bars chasing in circular patterns. Chasing Fireflies is a children's retailer that is known for its almost magical clothing. Speaking in English: Clauses, Phrases, and Sentences 1. Sometimes there is more than one kind of verb in a sentence. 276+20 sentence examples: 1. While chasing Talley, he learned the vehicle was reported stolen, Harrison said. With many more bumps in the first division than usual we were chasing 1st & 3rd Trinity on the third night. bab.la is not responsible for their content. The enamel carried a scene of hunting dogs chasing a hare. Sentence with the word chasing. I'd move on to other girls who are interested, and see if she starts chasing you down. English They feel alone in these problems, with their leaders chasing the Lisbon phantom. By my teen years I mostly figured out that my dad sent me chasing rainbows because he knew I'd never find the ends. You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Example sentences using "Chasing" Q: Please show me example sentences with chasing. Context sentences for "chasing" in German. Savvy investors want to get into the market as certain stocks are set to rise, as opposed to chasing trends after the fact. These defendants verbally threatened their victims and used racial epithets while chasing them through the streets of a Chicago, Illinois suburb. The boy asked a difficult question. Do not let your kids pursue your pets, either by chasing them or pulling them out from a hiding spot. Gilding, stains and lacquers, electro-plating, chasing, "matting," frosting, burnishing, mechanically produced mouldings and enrichments, and the other processes esteemed in the 10th century, are disused and avoided. A witness chased the burglar, but he couldn't catch him. I mean, again you thought I was chasing you. Dean dusted off a Christmas present bottle of VO with thoughts of re-igniting the glow from Ethel's gin and chasing away the gloom of the empty house but one sip and he re-capped the jug, deciding it wasn't a good idea. Either way, the Chasing Fireflies seasonal catalogues are a highly coveted item, hence it can't hurt to visit the company's official site official site where you can request a free catalogue! 5. More examples. Chasing after eight or ten kids should keep her busy. bab.la is not responsible for their content. In October 2006, Greene hosted a Chasing the Jaguar fundraiser for Art Share Los Angeles, a non-profit group that works with inner city youth in Los Angeles to promote arts education. He sailed on the 21st of June, and after chasing the British frigate "Belvidera" (36), which escaped into Halifax by throwing boats, &c., overboard, stood across the North Atlantic in search of a West Indian convoy, which he failed to sight, returning by the 31st of August to Boston. In dark winter mornings, or in short winter afternoons, I sometimes heard a pack of hounds threading all the woods with hounding cry and yelp, unable to resist the instinct of the chase, and the note of the … Mr Wright was filmed chasing two foxes across Exmoor along with two hounds. Look up tutorials on Youtube on how to pronounce 'chasing'. 276+20 sentence examples: 1. Context sentences for "chasing" in Italian. Definition of Chasing The art of ornamenting metal by means of chasing tools; also, … Exercise. more_vert. A Mother's Day cruise weekend should be fun and not just be yet another weekend of chasing the kids around. She was chasing (after) a man who had snatched her bag. A woman your age ought to be looking for a husband – or already married, not chasing all over creation in pants, trying to act like a man. In between these crazy clicking sessions where you're chasing down your flock, collecting eggs, and performing other tasks, you must make your way to the marketplace to do your business. Willa appears in the films Chasing 3000 and Garden Party. You can also find a good selection of shirts at Chasing the Frog, which currently has eleven tees, an authentic bowling shirt and a copy of the Dude's Japanese baseball jersey. She chased the thief for 100 yards. chase enamel carried a scene of hunting dogs chasing a hare. This whole chase down the freeway was the best television ever. Donald Fine, chief market analyst for Chase Securities, said. Break 'chasing' down into sounds: [CHAYS] + [ING] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. 2. If you chase someone, or chase after them, you run after them or follow them quickly in order to catch or reach them. A: The dogs were chasing the cat I was chasing after my bird who had managed to escape it's cage The police spent the whole day chasing down the theif View more answers Synonyms of "Chasing" and their differences. You will spend time chasing his little socked-self around at weddings, crawling on your hands and knees and searching under tables for the shoes he kicked off hours ago. Chasing Fireflies is a children's online retailer that offers a truly fascinating catalog. We been chasing this all over the country. possible in order to avoid the cost of chasing you up! Passive verb form: was/were + past participle form of the verb. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. You engage in such activities as collecting coins to buy a soda, finding the batteries for a teleporter, and chasing down a beam of light. Over at New Brighton AH on Saturday the Third Eleven chasing 204 for 6 won by one wicket. chasing translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'casing',chain',chains',crashing', examples, definition, conjugation There are 23 example sentences for chasing, and this page shows no. She made a third attempt. : [ ~ + object] He's been chasing that job for years. Whether you're chasing the fountain of youth or simply want to hold onto your natural color a bit longer, the following ideas and tips may help you conceal nature's course. Here in the spring the half-dozen or more coyote pups are brought forth; and it is said that at this season the old ones systematically drive any large game they may be chasing as near to their burrow, where the young coyotes are waiting to be fed, as possible before killing it, in order to save the labour of dragging it any great distance. The other night, I saw a neighbor chasing a wild pheasant with a stick? It was plucky of you to chase after the burglar. I'd say that more likely than her chasing ghosts, she is probably trying to play with the family, her brother and things you might not notice such as dust mites or a piece of lint. Meaning and examples for 'chasing' in Spanish-English dictionary. Learn more. ambulance-chasing meaning: 1. an attempt by a lawyer to get work by persuading someone who has been injured to claim money…. √ 100% FREE. Briefly: Josh thought you were chasing Lori so he told you to knock it off. This hammer is slightly convex so there is a large striking area but the edges are smooth. (open, save, copy) nzherald.co.nz. chasing translation in English-Spanish dictionary. In Scooby Doo 1000 Graveyard Dash, you need to lead Scooby out of a graveyard as fast as you can to save him from a ghost that is chasing him. Then we played tag across the country chasing Byrne. click for more sentences of chasing: 42. On the other side, you can also make Chasing sentence in Urdu as several English words are also used in the English language. The area is served by 28 branches which, according to the company, is too many chasing too few customers. Bring the left sideways to meet the right as if it were chasing the other foot, hence the name "chasse.". Read more here. (2) Discordance between perfusion and spectroscopy in one, Chasing, chased work, or embossing refer to a similar technique, in which the piece is hammered on the front side, sinking the metal. Buy kitty a mouse laser toy, and let him burn off energy chasing that around. She'd need help. Part of him felt like a pimply 16-year-old chasing the prom queen, while the rest of him was a lying, cheating sneak thief. You can also play a game of chase with your dog chasing you. 3. This is a reference page for chase verb forms in present, past and participle tenses. - The Army of Virginia under Pope was composed of the troops lately chasing Jackson in the Valley - Fremont's (now Sigel's), Banks's and McDowell's corps. Found 15761 sentences matching phrase "chasing".Found in 24 ms. I'm the only thing standing between you and whatever hell is chasing you. It is possible the trauma from the dogs chasing her has caused her to relate moving to a traumatic experience. At the same time, this concern with academic credibility is just surely chasing phantoms. The birds were active around the colony, occasionally chasing giant cowbirds which parasitise them. hilarious to watch grown men chasing a squealing pig down the road with kids in tow! Found 11693 sentences matching phrase "chasing".Found in 20 ms. You up usual we were chasing every space mira 3 traducciones acreditadas chasing. 'S boutique that does a great job of stocking the boys ' section encourages biting.. 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