Our output capture system pushes that information into the test result rather than to stdout. 1) In your test method, Console.WriteLine("something"); 2) Run the test. TEST_FILE_NAMES. In Console mode, after each unit test, you can get he contents via Output.ToArray(), transform it into a string variable and send it to Console.Write(); 3. Similarly, Console.Read reads input from whatever is hooked up to the standard input. dotnet test -v n verbosity level. Instead, when you click on the test in the Test Explorer, then there is an Output link. But, that one comes with a whole bunch of build output info also. Console.SetOut(writer) ' Redirect standard input from the console to the input file. Arguments. STEP 11: Now right-click the test method and select Run Test, then watch the results in Text Explore. Using writer As New StreamWriter(args(1)) Using reader As New StreamReader(args(0)) ' Redirect standard output from the console to the output file. To disable implicit restore, use the --no-restore option. Console does have a property "IsOutputRedirected" So there might be someway to directly hook up a Filestream/any stream instead of normal output. You don't have to run dotnet restore because it's run implicitly by all commands that require a restore to occur, such as dotnet new, dotnet build, dotnet run, dotnet test, dotnet publish, and dotnet pack. Separate multiple test assembly names with spaces. The Console.Write method does not write to the "console" -- it writes to whatever is hooked up to the standard output handle for the running process. Step 12: To see the output of the test go inside the test method of the UnitTest project and the TestPassed mark that appears just before the reference in the codelens then we will get a pop-up having an option link for Output.. Unfortunately the default Debug and Console loggers in the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging family do not flush to standard out quick enough for test frameworks like NUnit to pick up the output because they flush on a background thread for performance. Run tests from the specified assemblies. During unit testing, you might find that the console output does not always flush out, because logging in .NET Core runs in a separate thread. When you run a unit test through Visual Studio 2010, standard output is redirected by the test harness and stored as part of the test output. 3) In Test Explorer window, click the Passed Test Method. The TRX report may or may not generate reports which include "output" results (I don't personally know, since I have no knowledge of this format), but today there's no simple way today to get this output from dotnet test directly on the console. Options--Blame. In Visual Studio 2017, you can see the output from test explorer. Click on that link to see the output. 4) And click the "Output" link. Wildcards are supported. Running dotnet test will not show you any output, not from your test code and not from the adapter/engine.. And click "Output", you can see the result of Console.Writeline(). Indeed there is no output with Console.WriteLine.And the ITestOutputHelper output is not shown in the Output window. Runs the tests in blame mode. Copied from original issue: dotnet/cli#10063 It runs by default in quiet mode.. To get output from the adapter, run it in normal mode, by setting the verbose option to normal-v n. You still wont get anything out from your test code though. It would be nice to have a verbosity level that would show tests that were run in suite but without all the build info. The dotnet-vstest command runs the VSTest.Console command-line application to run automated unit tests. In order to force the output stream to flush to console, we need to use the tricks of calling Console.WriteLine() in the unit test …