They grow into young men and women who yearn to make the world a better place, and who have the skills and drive to help make that happen. Discover why choosing NA makes so much sense. In line with the Trusts Scheme of Delegation the Local Governing ody (LG ) Admissions. Consideration of applications Individual testing and parent meetings for grades 1-3, December 15 Admission numbers 2.1 The academy has an agreed published admission number (PAN) of 60 pupils in the reception year. Our students explore the arts through a resource-rich program, starting from the early years, which cultivates and encourages participation in all avenues of artistic expression--music, visual arts, dance, and drama. Decision letters for first round applicants, December-February  If you are interesting in making an in-year transfer, please complete the form on this page. Please label all items including jackets, sweaters and all practice uniforms. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Building strength as learners with the initiative and energy to explore. If parents wish to appeal against a decision relating to admissions for Diamond Academy, this must be done in writing and a form can be obtained from the Academy Office or by phoning 01842 752387. For Nursery admissions, please phone our office on 01493 661046. September 2020 entry should be made via the Norfolk coordinated admissions scheme and can be made online during the transfer rounds at or by completing the application form sent to parents. Year 7 transfer – application forms can be obtained from your child’s primary school or you can contact the Schools Admissions Service. Explore all the ways students become empowered at Norfolk Academy. 1.2 Inspiration Trust is the admissions authority for the academy. In line with Norfolk County Council’s admissions policy for County and Controlled, First, Middle, Junior and Primary Schools the following criteria will apply:-When over-subscribed, preference is given to children living nearer to the school according to the following criteria, in order of priority. Your web browser does not support the