How is the change announced? Question 6. Who is consulted in the review of the requests? Moments of truth in business process design concerns all the interactions between clients and the company.They are the “moments of truth” because they are interactions between the organization and the customer, who is, perhaps, experiencing your services or products for the first time.And why is this important?This moment must be “magic”! How is the change announced? An activity is the smallest unit of work which is scheduled in a process, and may result in multiple work items being assigned to a participant or actor. The Business Function Scheme enables us to: Promote, publish and syndicate information assets by business perspectives Categorize information assets by business functions Associate information resources to the Bank�s business architecture to support workflow management Develop an integrated, enterprise view of how resources are allocated to business functions. Information assets are categorized to only one level within a single branch (hierarchical path) of the structure. “Goals” are what targets we want to set. Data Management Program is responsible for: Providing overall guidance, prioritization and policy related to the Business Function Scheme and the Enterprise Business Architecture Establishing and implementing quality standards and procedures to ensure that data and reference sources are managed consistent with the needs and requirements of business stewards, custodians, technical stewards and consumers Implementing the management, use, protection and retention policy recommendations defined by the BFS Custodians and the BFS Stewards Peer reviewing and authorizing the BFS Principles and Best Practices document Define and coordinate data stewardship guidelines and best practices for the Business Function Scheme Ensuring the availability of resources to support the publication and accessibility of the BFS Provision of support to all governance agents by facilitating and arbitrating variations or disagreements which cannot be resolved through routine governance processes Information Custodians Who Are BFS Custodians? For description of the attributes required to manage the Business Function Scheme, please see REF _Ref147740856 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Annex 4. Information assets may be categorized to multiple branches of the tree. Policies and Procedures ... best practices down to the following five Best Practice areas: • RETENTION • POLICIES & PROCEDURES • ACCESS & INDEXING • COMPLIANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY • DISPOSAL For each of these Best Practice areas we have included an overview and guiding principles. Business Activity is a description of work that forms one logical step within a process. ISGEC has defined a set of criteria for World Bank Lines of Business. The evaluation of the Business Function Scheme is performed according to the Business Architecture framework. Lines of Business are represented as Level 2 in the BFS. The data set is named Business Functions Hierarchy. DevOps principles and practices are many. �y �| � 8_ :_ :_ :_ :_ :_ :_ $ �a h d Z ^_ N � �m l Io � � ^_ * * D\ D\ � s_ �� �� �� � � * � D\ N D\ 8_ �� � 8_ �� �� Z l6 � � N �D D\ V @�u�}� �N † p; z ,N �_ 0 �_ �; � ]e ҉ � ]e � �D �D � ]e N DG � M~ � � �� ߀ � �� + M~ M~ M~ ^_ ^_ �� p M~ M~ M~ �_ � � � � � � � d� � � � � � � � � � * * * * * * ���� Guiding Principles for Creating, Managing and Maintaining an Enterprise Business Function Classification Scheme (BFS) Information Quality Information Solutions Group Last Updated: DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" April 12, 2007 Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010961" 1 Purpose and Audience of the document PAGEREF _Toc153010961 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010962" 1.0 Purpose of the document PAGEREF _Toc153010962 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010963" 1.1 Audience of the document PAGEREF _Toc153010963 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010964" 1.2 History and Background of the Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010964 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010965" 1.3 Definition of Classification Schemes PAGEREF _Toc153010965 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010966" 2 Description of the Business Function Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010966 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010967" 2.0 Definition of the Business Function Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010967 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010968" 2.1 Value of the Business Function Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010968 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010969" 2.2 Structure of the Business Function Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010969 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010970" 3 Governance Process for the Business Function Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010970 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010971" 3.0 Governance Model PAGEREF _Toc153010971 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010972" 3.0.1 Business Stewards PAGEREF _Toc153010972 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010973" 3.0.2 Data Management Program PAGEREF _Toc153010973 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010974" 3.0.3 Information Custodians PAGEREF _Toc153010974 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010975" 3.0.4 Technical Stewards PAGEREF _Toc153010975 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010976" 3.0.5 Business Consumers PAGEREF _Toc153010976 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010977" 3.1 Change Management Process PAGEREF _Toc153010977 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010978" 4 International Standards for the Business Function Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010978 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010979" 4.0 Standards for Classification Schemes PAGEREF _Toc153010979 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010980" 4.1 Principles for Creating and Maintaining the Business Function Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010980 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010981" 5 Business Function Scheme Reference Model PAGEREF _Toc153010981 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010982" 5.0 Business Function Data Model PAGEREF _Toc153010982 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010983" 5.1 Applications using Business Function Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010983 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010984" 6 Business Rules for Consumption of Business Function Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010984 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010985" 6.0 Definition and Purpose of Business Rules PAGEREF _Toc153010985 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010986" 6.1 Business Rules and Principles for Implementing the Business Function Scheme PAGEREF _Toc153010986 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010987" Annex 1: Annual Review of the BFS & systems usage of the BFS PAGEREF _Toc153010987 \h 21 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010988" Annex 2: Evaluation Criteria For Levels of the Business Architecture PAGEREF _Toc153010988 \h 23 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010989" Annex 3: Business Function Logical Data Model PAGEREF _Toc153010989 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010990" Annex 4: Business Function Scheme Attributes - Definitions and Sources PAGEREF _Toc153010990 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010991" Annex 5: Physical Implementation of BFS in the Metadata Manager PAGEREF _Toc153010991 \h 26 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010992" Annex 6: Applications using BFS PAGEREF _Toc153010992 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc153010993" Change History PAGEREF _Toc153010993 \h 31 Purpose and Audience of the document Purpose of the document This document provides: Definition of the Business Function Classification Scheme Description of its purpose and structure International standards and derived principles related to managing and maintaining the scheme Logical and physical data models, data sets, data classes Business rules for implementing and using the scheme Governance model and processes Overview of the change management process Audience of the document This document is for: Business process managers and subject experts who are interested in the description and value of the BFS Information managers and information custodians who are interested in the international standards and principles for creating and maintaining the BFS Systems developers and database managers who are interested in the business rules for consumption of BFS values Content creators, managers and publishers who are interested in use of the BFS in classifying information assets History and Background of the Scheme The current design of the Business Function Scheme has evolved through consultation with business process managers throughout the Bank, and through daily use in the systems described below. Where an application cannot consume directly, there should be an established process to communicate and update changes to ensure that the values are synchronized. “Guiding principles” are how we want to operate. Beijing Gas led the translation efforts with support from EDF. An acceptable way is to have the acronym after the full name in the label, i.e. Content Creators throughout the organization; Content Publishers throughout the organization; Consumers are responsible for: Ensuring that all corporate information systems are in a business function �ready-state�; when a system is not in such state, requests are made to ISGIQ Implementing the BFS values in the systems; estimates costs of proposed changes in terms of amount of data to be retagged, additional storage and processing burden, software changes, etc. Metrics for Principle 7 (Enumeration and Hospitality): Audit reveals that: new categories were added without redefining the enumeration strategy over a five year period no major schema redefinition has been required each category in the schema has a notation value that accurately describes its place in the schema the schema can be reconstructed solely from its enumeration Metrics for Principle 8 (Exhaustiveness): Audit reveals that: both the current business of the organization and the historical business of the organization is reflected in the scheme superceded functions are retained in the scheme for information retrieval purposes, but not for classification purposes both current and archived values are accessible for information access purposes Metrics for Principle 9 (Helpful, Consistent, and Relevant Sequence): Wherever categories are represented in the schema, their order represents the institutional practice Annual review ensures that the sequence represented in the institutional reference source represents institutional practice Metrics for Principle 10: Naming and Notation Conventions: Audit reveals that: category names contain no acronyms (acceptable procedure as defined above), abbreviations, initialisms, general or meaningless words; all category names reflect its intent, meaning and context. Best Practice Principles for Medication Review Guidance Document . How is the change executed? (Ascertainability) The name of a category should be descriptive of what is contained in the category The coverage of a category should be known simply by reading the category name The category name should represent the focus of the category A category�s name should reflect its parent category Acceptable PracticeUnacceptable PracticeProject SupervisionSupervisionBudget ControlControllingPrinting and Copying ServicesPrintingFinancial Reporting and AnalysisReporting and Analysis Principle 2: No two categories should overlap or should have exactly the same scope and boundaries. The best way to avoid headaches is to be proactive. Informs the work on defining and testing a new set of principles that will help HR professionals make better decisions. Industry, Members, Publications By Matt Barry October 1, 2020. The MDK remains stable while the category name may change. What type of changes can be made? An application is compliant if: The values it uses are aligned with the BFS source values MDKs for those source values are used There is an automated method of capturing and updating the scheme values The updates are frequent and routine Consuming SystemsStart DateAuditsCompliance w/ Business RulesePublish/CMS2003YesUnified Case Management system2003YesRemedy System2003NoeServices2005NoYellow PagesLearning Management System (LMS)2005NoTeragram2004NoBF Thesaurus2001 Annex 2: Evaluation Criteria For Levels of the Business Architecture Criteria for determining a Line of Business (Level 2) A Line of business (LOB) is defined in terms of lines or groups of products or services. Question 5. It does not provide guidance on how to create or maintain the values in a classification scheme. For each principle a definition is presented, best practices are described, examples are provided. Preferred NamePrevious NameImplementation Completion and Results ReportImplementation Completion ReportPartner CountriesMiddle Income Countries (MICs)Fragile StatesLow-Income Countries Under Stress (LICUS) Principle 6: When differentiating a category, it should give rise to at least two subcategories. Business Processes are represented as Level 3 in the BFS. Best Practices. When no other sequence of the categories is more helpful, they should be arranged alphabetically by their names in current use (i.e. Governance Process for the Business Function Scheme Governance Model The World Bank owns the Business Function Scheme. Facilities, Technology & Information AssetsLines of business are supported by facilities (office space, equipment, and supplies; consume energy; use communication resources; technology assets; data/information assets)Comparable Industrial Sector/CompetenciesMost lines of business within organizations have a comparable external economic product or service line/sector. RisksChanges in a particular step or subprocess will inherit the business continuity value of their line of business parent. Business Rule 6. Business Rules and Principles for Implementing the Business Function Scheme The following ten business rules pertain to how the business function scheme is implemented in information systems. After consultation has been completed, through the communication of the final decision record to the requester through the UCM service account; IQ team will close the UCM case when request is completed; UCM will record the change request and final decision is entered in MultiTes version of the BFS. This typically results in a structure which is unbalanced and unpredictable, and essentially unusable for its intended purpose. Assets associated with retired categories should retain their original metadata in tact and be accessible through traced categories. Assets are associated with Business Areas only through aggregation. The compliance rating is determined by adherence to best practices for consuming and maintaining the Business Function Scheme values. 05/31/2017; 2 minutes to read; i; v; e; M; b +3 In this article. Best Practice Toolkit The Toolkit consists of a set of recommended Guides, Synopses and Tools, which support the uptake and implementation of the Reducing Methane Emissions: Best Practices. Communicating with Office of Student Engagement (OSE) Staff. Business rules help to ensure that: We have consistent growth and development of the scheme over time; The scheme is consistently engineered and implemented wherever it is used The scheme is consistently used wherever it is available Business Rules apply to all levels of the Scheme, to all applications and to all uses. Illustrates BudgetA line of business must have a defined budget line and recurring budget allocations.RisksBusiness processes inherit the business risk of their line of business. This document provides a practitioner's perspective and contains a set of practical techniques to help IT executives protect an enterprise Active Directory environment. Relationships should not be redefined in the context of an application. 4 | Page . Beijing Gas led the translation efforts with support from EDF. Embed Visio.Drawing.11 Question 1. Who can initiate a request for a GTIN to... In multiple work items being assigned to a participant or actor Scheme be! Variations in spellings are possible ( American vs. British English ) retain their original Metadata in tact and be through. Step, a change to an existing category in the label, i.e reclassified because a category archived. Event was the design and implementation of the set ( CDS ) in the BFS business subprocesses are represented a... Scheme with a hierarchical or a more focused collection new set of core competencies that define the work defining! 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