1740. For animated maps illustrating Virginia county boundary changes, "Rotating Formation Virginia County Boundary Maps"(1617-1995) may be viewed for free at the MapofUS.org website. Capt. Many of the gentlemen of the county are concerned in this work. CALEB LINDSAY Culpeper County was established in 1749 from Orange County. ORANGE COUNTY was formed from Spotsylvania in 1734, and was named not from the "color of its soil" as erroneously stated by Howe and others, for there is no soil of orange color in the County; but for William, . CAPT. JOHN ROBERTS Henry Willis was paid 13,100 pounds of tobacco for building the prison, and 3,350 pounds for finishing the courthouse. CAPT. The Number of People Taken in Orange County by And'w, Shepherd, Gent., October, 1782. 607.). JAS. The grades appear to have been servants, yeomen, planters, who appear to have been " gentlemen " or not, according to their property and family connections. This is an error, as John Baylor was then County Lieutenant, a fact which these same papers establish. In the "Kemper Genealogy" it is stated with emphasis that the colony of 1714 was not a Palatinate Colony. HERRING, E. * LIEUT. He was deputy clerk in 1821, a justice in 1834, and was elected clerk in February, 1844, by the full bench of justices, receiving eighteen votes, to one for John M. Chapman. Rich in history, it has the distinction of having been the largest Virginia county ever formed. JARRELL,79JOHN WILLIAMS,aged 78KENNETH SOUTHERLAND,70WILLIAM WAYT,71WILLIAM FISHER,751833. THOMAS PHILLIPS, invalid At the April term this item appears in the County levy: " To balance for building new courthouse and office, including additional work and painting, $62,340.47." McDOWELL, ROBT. AMOS, GARRETT DURHAM, JOHN JOHN DAMS Slaughter, that, " as Swift Run Gap is the only `pass' which the head waters of York, James and Rappahannock approximate, etc. " WALKER, captain JOHN ALMAND WOOD, DICK Dr. W . DAVIS,74RICHARD WHITE,76WM. However, upon her entreaty, she got him a reprieve; but was so concerned that so much severity should be intended on her birthday, that she was not to be comforted; and lest such another accident might oust the poor cur of his clergy, she protested she would board out her dog at a neighbour's house, where she hoped he would be more kindly treated. 1740. Just behind it was a covered bench, where Miss Theky often sat and bewailed her virginity. In 1764 the number had decreased to three old and six young heads, and in 1815 there is an entry of $2 paid for one wolf's scalp, probably the last reward paid. Here he encamped for a night, his headquarters being under a large tree on one of the boughs of which he hung his sword. JOHN WILLIAMS. SMITH, R. A. This Mary Bell was afterwards County jailer for several years. Robert Thomas's gun was impressed for the Orange militia guarding the Convention prisoners in 1778. The estate was to be sold by his executors to the highest bidders, and the money invested; "the principal to be kept intact and the interest arising from the same to be disposed of towards schooling such poor children as my executors shall think most in want. HAYS, THOS. The minutes were signed by Augustine Smith and attested by Henry Willis " Cl. 1746. The Unionists were less demonstrative, but no less resolute. 1740. Orange County has an extraordinary sense of place. SHEPHERD, HENRY Mr. Larkin Willis, who lived not far from Germanna, had ten sons in the Confederate army at one time. He brought suit atone time against nearly one hundred persons, for damages for a certain scandalous paper reflecting on him, but recovered nothing, though some of the signers did retract. More than one thousand was paid out in bounties for wolves' heads, one hundred and forty for an old, seventy pounds for a young wolf's head. He had been buried about seventy-five years. THOMPSON, CHAS. Membership of the Committee was quite a badge of distinction, and descent from a Committeeman constitutes a clear title to membership in the societies known as " The Sons " and "The Daughters of the Revolution. 1754. The "Orange Observer" was founded in 1882 by Mr. Robinson, father of the present owners. It was incorporated January, 1810, and in 1816 work was begun on it in Orange. NEWMAN, N. W. GRANT, ALEX. We killed two rattlesnakes during our ascent. My hope and purpose have been to create a fund by the aid of the charitable equal to the establishment of a manual labor school, where the indigent might be so instructed as to become useful citizens, and especially where teachers might be reared-a good supply of which to operate through the State in an object of great importance. JAMES YAGER FEGAN, JOHN * ANDERSON DUVAL, GEO. Later it was projected to Gordonsville which was the western terminus for several years. 1740. CANADY, J. T. JAMES QUINN POOR, MICHAEL This last clause was for the benefit of the Germans settled at Germanna. A brief sketch of the beginnings of Virginia seems a necessary introduction to a history of Orange. GARRISON, GEORGE Q. We arrived at Mr. W oodford's, on Rappahannoc River, about six, and remained there all night. Spencer's Co. 7th Va. in '76, as fife major; served to end of war. In January 2013 we introduced the new site layout but because there were many pages left to do there was a big red Under Construction on the front page. S. Chestnut Hill, now owned by Mr. A. G. Crenshaw Jr., was the home of Dr. Uriel Terrell, famous in old days as a favorite hostlery of Henry Clay and other statesmen; the old Taliaferro home, near Rapidan, a Crown grant in 1726, now owned by Mr. John Taliaferro ; Morton Hall, Lessland, former homes, of Hon. Robert Slaughter was in favor of the centre, when the same should be ascertained. Retreating rapidly before Cornwallis, from the neighborhood of Richmond, the latter boasting that "the boy can not escape me," he crossed the Rapidan, probably at Germanna, subsequently moving up to Raccoon Ford, where he awaited reinforcements under Wayne. PRICE, EDWARD WATSON, B. F. Captain: There had also been a chapel about a bowshot from the Colonel's house at the end of an avenue of cherry trees, but some pious people had lately burnt it down, with intent to get another built nearer to their own homes. KELLY, WM. TAYLOR, ZACHARY. 1747. Indeed, the terraces remain to this day. At half past two we got the horses, at three we mounted, and at half an hour after four we came up with our baggage at a small river, three miles on the way, which we called Mine River, because there was an appearance of a silver mine by it. Va. Hist. All the lumber was sawn by hand, usually with a "pit saw": such nails as were used were wrought in the blacksmiths' shops, and almost every article of domestic use was made at home. At Gordonsville, Main street is a watershed, the waters on one side flowing into the North Anna, on the other into the South Anna. W. * MORTON JOHN BUCKANNON, lieutenant colonel of foot S. 1740. For seven years, until the population grew large enough, Augusta’s records were kept in Orange. 1740. JOHNSON, T. T. RICHD. Light Dragoons; served till '83; battles of Guilford C. H. and Camden. POWELL, The "Middle," or "Brick," church, stood on the hill rear where the Pamunkey road crosses Church Run. STEAVENSON, DAVID 2. WM. "Tithable." Captain Parran became an army surgeon and was killed at Sharpsburg, while helping to man a field piece of the Washington Artillery. Here we remained all this day, and diverted ourselves and rested our horses. DUVAL, JNO. WM. 1750. In 1850 a ten-mile section of the Rockingham Turnpike was opened to travel, and since its completion no macadamized or other improved public highway has been built in the County, except the short reaches at the County seat. By its terms his whole estate, after the death of his wife, was devoted to the cause of education. 1735. BLANKENBACKER, ZACHARIAH 1852, ed. About five miles further we crossed the same river again, and two miles further we met with a large bear, which one of our company shot, and I got the skin. MOSES WILLIS From Orange County from 1736 to the formation of the Common wealth. "Style." MONTEBELLO. Burlington, proper, is a handsome home built by James Barbour Newman, about a mile east of Barboursville. 1735. THOS. The effect is inconceivable. Court received prison on the undertaker's double ceiling the walls with one and a half inch oak plank inside, to be nailed on with a proportion of 20-penny nails. 2d- At nine we were all on horseback, and after riding about five miles we crossed the Rappahannoc River, almost at the head, where it is very small. But at the same time he gave me to understand, that his furnace had done no great feats lately, because he had been taken up in building an air furnace at Massaponax, which he had now brought to perfection, and should be thereby able to furnish the whole country with all sorts of cast iron, as cheap and as good as ever came from England. W.* GEO. HERNDON, R. S. True, labor was abundant and cheap in 1866, gold was at a premium, the currency inflated, and the land market brisk by reason of an influx of immigrants from England and the northern States. OGG, JAS. R. TOWLES JAMES A. NEWMAN, second lieutenant COWHERD, M. D. JAMES BURTON 29 and March 17, 1776, from a MS. account book and papers in Va. State Library. It is not known that he ever resided in Orange, but his name is indelibly associated with that of the County by reason of William Wirt's celebrated apotheosis of him in the "British Spy", which follows. ROSSE, ALEX. FRAZER, JOHN WEBB, J. W. "It is plain that this spot was for a long period the burial place of a small tribe or clan, among whom prevailed the habit of stripping the flesh from the corpse before interment, or of depositing the body elsewhere for a time and afterwards removing the bones to this ossuary. EDWARD ATKINS (in Service). "Gentleman." LINSFIELD JONES WILSON S. NEWMAN * It was here that the organization known as the " Culpeper Minute Men " camped when first on their way to join the army of the Revolution. TURK, ROBT. etc. SPICER, ADDISON GOODMAN, G. A. There was never a bona fide bank in the County till long after the war, and the early adventures in that line proved disastrous to the depositors, there having been three bank failures in a few years. A denominational paper, of the " Disciples, " was published a short time at Gordonsville shortly before the " boom, " and during the boom, Mr. Albert Sidney Johnston established a paper there which died with it. WRIGHT, WM. II. EHEART, A. J. THOMPSON, ROBT. THOS. As late as 1838, the Court, "appointing directors or commissioners for the distribution of the public funds for the education of the destitute, decree that the funds of the Humane Society be exclusively appropriated to the education of the destitute children of the County.". JAMES JACKSON Court agreed with Charles Curtis, builder of the courthouse, to receive the same and to allow him £ 72 as a full reward for the same, he having already received £32, equal in all to about $350. CRENSHAW, CAPTAIN WILLIAM G. Born July 7th, 1824, in Richmond, Virginia, and married, May 25th, 1847, Miss Fanny Elizabeth Graves of Orange County. DUFF, MARY ONEIL, JAS. JACOB HITE He represented the County in the Legislature and was one of the earliest supervisors; was the orator on the occasion of the dedication of the Clay statue in the Capitol Square in Richmond; and such was his eloquence and scholarship that he was always in demand as an orator. ZACHY BURNLEY, County Lieutenant, vice James Madison, resigned. 1744. DECKER ______ He suggested that a subscription for defense be made, and himself pledged a liberal sum.*. Whose beauty stars the earth, This appears to have been the last appointment made during the period of the Revolutionary War. FOX, JAMES EDMUND SPENCER BERNARD, RICHARD S. * Cleveland's Run, about a mile northeast of Barboursville, was doubtless named for him or his family, as his parents and grandparents lived near it. W. S. Parran, Lieutenants, 1st, Andrew Jackson Eheart; 2nd Andrew Jackson White; 3rd, Joseph T. Wood. Contact Us | The first minute on the records of the County is in these words: Orange County.-Be it remembered that on the twenty-first day of January, in the year 1734, a Commission of the Peace directed to Augustine Smith, Goodrich Lightfoot, John Taliaferro, Thomas Chew, Robert Slaughter Abraham Field, Robert Green, James Barber, John Finlason, Richard Mauldin, Samuel Ball, Francis Slaughter Zachary Taylor John Lightfoot, James Pollard, Robert Eastham, Benjamin Cave, Charles Curtis, Joist Hite, Morgan Morgan, Benjamin Borden, John Smith and George Hobson, and a dedimus for administering the oaths etc., to the said justices being read, the said John Finlason and Samuel Ball pursuant to the said dedimus administered the oaths appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken instead of the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the oath appointed to be taken by an act of Parliament made in the first year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the First, entituled an Act for the further Security of his Majesties Person and Government and the Sucession of the Crown in the heirs of the late Princess Sophia, being Protestants and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales and his open and secret Abettors, unto Augustine Smith and John Taliaferro who severally subscribed the Test and then the said John Finlason and Samuel Ball administered the oaths of a justice of the Peace and of a Justice of the County Court in Chancery unto the said Augustine Smith and John Taliaferro. Now owned by Mrs. Margaret Pannill, widow of Dr. David Pannill, and her sisters. To James Taylor, 8,500 acres, both sides Little Mountains, south of Rapidan, adjoining John Baylor's land. This assembly first met May 6. James Cordon represented Richmond County in the House of Delegates in 1781; and Orange, as the colleague of James Madison, in the Virginia Convention of 1788 which ratified the Federal Constitution. The real owners of the land attended court regularly, to acknowledge their many deeds of bargain and sale, and then returned to their homes in Tidewater. 1741. WARREN One of them attacked one of our men that was riding after him, and narrowly missed him; he tore his things that he had behind him from the horse, and would have destroyed him, had he not had immediate help from the other men and our dogs. Those were the years when the men who afterwards composed the Army of Northern Virginia were reared, and when their mothers and sisters were the women of Orange, such years and such pleasures as their posterity can never enjoy-Arcadian days when people met for pleasure not for display. HOWARD BLEDSOE (Robert Green had become sheriff.) John Guy and his company, of Capt. Virginia had declared her independence of the Crown on the 29th of June, 1776, five days before the general Declaration in July. RYLY, MICAL It provides for his99 wife, Frances Tandy, and sons Thomas, William, and Roger Burrus to divide 1500 acres of land he owned in Clark County, Kentucky, plus other bequests. CAMPBELLTON. MORRIS The ice house, which is surmounted by an ornamental colonnade, was dug in 1809, and is believed to have been the first attempt at keeping ice made in the Piedmont section. 1740. WOOD, E. R. FRAZER, ROBT. The said Peter was executed accordingly and it is ordered that the sheriff cut off his head and put it on a pole near the courthouse to deter others from doing the like. WILHITE, TOBIAS. The old names for Poplar Run were "Baylor's Run" and "Beaver Dam Run," and the name for the bend in the Rapidan near where this run enters it was the "Punch Bowl," and it is so printed on the maps. Col James Magruder owned it for some years prior to the war, and there the gallant Magruder boys, whose history is sketched in another chapter, were reared. GEO. It seems almost incredible that tolls were ever paid on such a road; incredible, indeed, that such a road was ever built, if portions of it did not remain as a wonderful exhibit of the engineering and macadamizing of that period. JONES, THOS. Captains: Matters are very well managed there, and no expense is spared to make them profitable, which is not the case in the works I have already mentioned. When the tobacco was hauled to Fredericksburg to market, the return load was usually family supplies, and often oysters in the shell, which, piled in the cellar and sprinkled occasionally with salt water, appear to have "kept" a long time. The Captain Overton referred to in the extracts following, was from Hanover, but he was in an earlier expedition in 1755. DIGGS, WM. COOPER, ALFRED 1774. There are perhaps more picturesque views of the Blue Ridge at other points, but for majestic and rugged outlines there are none to compare with the outlook from Mt. RIGBY, JOHN Established in 1734, Orange County is named in honor of William, Prince of Orange, who in that year married Anne, Princess Royal of England. DAVIS, ASHMAN T. SCOTT, PHILIP H. Five of them, George Martin, Robert Henry, Thomas Joseph, William Tandy and Lancelot went to Harpers Ferry April 17th, 1861. TALKEN AMBROSE BURTON 1755. STAPLES, EDWARD S. * MORRIS, WM. It is now owned by Mr. A. D. Irving, Jr., a near relative of Washington Irving one of the most famous of American authors whose writings are cherished in every land where the English language is known. It had not blown for several moons, the Colonel having taken off great part of his people to carry on his air furnace at Massaponax. MADISON, JAMES. Ambrose -Madison's Company of foot in the Regiment of Volunteers Guards at the Barracks in Albemarle County, whereof Col. Francis Taylor is Commander, to June 1 , 1779. " I bequeath to my stepson John Payne Todd the case of medals presented me by my friend George W. Et ving, and the walking staff made from a timber of the frigate Constitution and presented me by Commodore Elliot, her present commander. Suffice it to say here that it appears to have been wholly within the confines of what was then Spotsylvania, and afterwards became Orange County. JAMES BROADUS, sergeant, 8 The mere names of these trustees constitute a sufficient indication of the importance of the trust confided to them. A portion of the tract once belonged to the Conway family, of Revolutionary memory. 1738. 1757. The Masons did not accept. of horse 1741. For one day detained, per account, £ 8. PROFFITT, W. W. At twelve, as we were crossing a run of water, Mr. Clouder fell in, so we called this place Clouder's Run. His home was "Hopewell," the residence of the late Mr. Clay Baker, on the Charlottesville road, near the corner of Orange with Louisa and Albemarle. GEO. In the morning about seven of the clock, the trumpet sounded to awake all the company, and we got up. MALLORY, THOS. JAMES HANEY The date shows the year in which proof of importation was made and recorded. JACOB BURRUS James Walker, Zachariah Burnley STEVENSON, THOS. Brown and J. T. Mann, both killed at Brandy Station, June 9, 1863, William Willis, J. H. White, James Roach and Samuel Andrews. WHITE F. Baker. Corporals: * 1741. In 1781 Elijah Craig and Nathaniel Sanders, dissenting Baptist ministers recommended by the elders of their society, were licensed to perform the marriage ceremony. Ensigns: TALIAFERRO, PEACHY SOUTHARD, BEN. For many years he was its senior warden and frequently represented his church in the Diocesan councils. Sloops may come up and lie close to the wharf, within 30 yards of the public ware-houses, which are built in the figure of a cross. The route from thence was in byeroads in the direction of the Rivanna River, through Orange, and the upper end of Louisa and Fluvanna Counties. His delicate sensibilities were disturbed by noises from contiguous rooms, and he daubed his own with mud mortar to exclude the sound as much as possible. As neither the "Life" of Leland, nor the sketch of him in Sprague's "American Pulpit," makes any mention of this discussion, the incident is believed to be wholly apocryphal; and had not judge Dabney, who married a great-niece of Madison's, attempted to dignify the myth by publishing an account of it overloaded with errors in Harper's magazine, this sketch would have been wholly unnecessary. CALEB SISSON J. Author of two volumes of poems which have now become quite rare; was educated at the University of Virginia shortly before the war, and died not long afterwards. HANEY, DARBY Campbell, the careful historian, relates that the one which had belonged to Spotswood was small enough to be worn on a watch chain. 1867-8. 1768. For this reason his loaded carts went it in a day without difficulty. 1741. 1740. CAPT. BLAIR, ALEX. Fortunately by the exercise of vigilance the plate was rescued, and is now in possession of St. Thomas Church at Orange. GARNER, (Or Garnes) ROBT. First Lieutenant: The decree was reversed, however, on appeal, and in Wambersie v. the Orange Humane Society, 84 Va., it was held that the Society which had been rejuvenated in 1880 by the appointment of new trustees by William R. Taliaferro, then judge of the County Court, had no legal existence by reason of the repeal of the charter in 1876. RIFE, NOT. Yet a good many people did actually take up their abode in this frontier county while it was still a part of Spotsylvania, and some of their names are household words to-day; Spotswood, Chew, Cave, Madison, Moore, Willis, Taliaferro, Thomas, Barbour, Scott, Smith, Taylor, Waugh, Porter, Head, Fry, Lightfoot, and many more; the general narrative must be looked to to learn who they were, and what they did. Washington was commander of the Virginia troops which consisted of two regiments, his own and Col. William Byrd's, about two thousand men in all. Wm. The cormorants had got hungry and had demanded the mess of pottage. JEREMIAH Cox, drummer, 7 1/3 FRANCIS, colonel In 1720, the seat of government being at Williamsburg, the following Act "for erecting the counties of Spotsylvania and Brunswick" was passed by the "General Assembly, " for so the law-making power was called even at that early date: "Preamble, That the frontiers towards the high mountains are exposed to danger from the Indians, and the late settlements of the French to the westward of the said mountains. 23, 1775. FARGUSON This Mr. du Pont has not only restored, but has also converted into a flower garden exclusively, which for richness and variety of color and foliage is not surpassed, if equalled, by the horticultural gardens at Washington; and he has also decorated it with pleasing statuary. I give all my personal estate of every description, ornamental, as well as useful, except as hereinafter otherwise given, to my dear wife, and I also give to her all my manuscript papers, having entire confidence in her discreet and proper use of them, but subject to the qualification in succeeding clause. Yet rode with Spotswood 'round the land MILLER, DANL. A History of Orange County, Virginia375+ pages, indexedIllustrated By W. W. ScottPublished 130228100311 Taylor and Benjamin Porter were lieutenants; and Francis Cowherd. Major-general, March, 1864, in command of reserve forces around Richmond; elected Governor of Virginia in 1873, defeating judge Robert W. Hughes, and, after the end of his term, residing at "Walnut Hills," near Orange Courthouse, until his death in 1 89-, practicing law in Orange and adjacent counties. His crime was feloniously breaking the house of Erasmus Taylor, Gent., and stealing goods of the value of 25 cents! Thus the census of 1782 (Appendix) shows that on the Baylor estate there were 84 blacks and not one white person. 1737. Lieutenants: By the same Act fifteen hundred pounds was appropriated, to be paid to the Governor, of which five hundred for a church, courthouse, prison, pillory and stocks where the governor shall appoint them in Spotsylvania, he to employ workmen, provide material, etc. They were engaged to go, and knew where they were going, and what they were to do. Aged 69; in Capt. I carried home this treasure with as much joy as if every root had been a graft of the tree of life, and washed and dried it carefully. JAMES QUIN, corporal, 7 1/3 A subsequent chapter, "The Progress to the Mines," is the best extant description of this historic old place. CHARLES MURPHY. SISSON, ABNER J. MILLS, JAMES WOOD, JAS. WHITE COLVIN, GREEN 1772-3. COURSEY Etymology - Origin of Orange County Name. McCADDAN, PATRICK September: Crosthwait agreed to make a deed for the two acres whereon the courthouse and prison are now built, for five shillings. In 1773 Joseph Spencer, being brought before the court by a warrant under the hand of Rowland Thomas, Gent., for a breach of his good behavior in teaching and preaching the gospel as a Baptist not having a license; and it appearing that he did teach and preach as aforesaid, he at the same time insisting that he decented [dissented] from the principles of an Anabaptist; ordered, that he be committed to the custody of the sheriff until he give bond conditioned not to teach or preach without first obtaining a license as the law directs. Of course these boundaries were never actually attained. At "the ensuing March term" the Court elected the trustees; Isaac Davis, James Burton, Francis Cowherd, James Barbour, Philip Pendleton Barbour, Fortunatus Winslow, Robert Taylor, Catlett Conway, John Gibson, George Grasty, Thomas Coleman, and Thomas Woolfolk. Three white men, an Indian and a "former servant" appear to have passed through Wood's Gap, near the North Carolina line, as early as 1672, but nothing was accomplished by them towards opening up the great Valley of Virginia, "The Discoveries of John Lederer in Three Several Marches from Virginia," published in London in 1672, so discredits itself by travellers' tales, as to forfeit all claim to be called history. CAPT. Patrick Fisher, Littleberry Low, William Lamb, David Watts, Charles Watts, James Lamb, soldiers, William Cave, non-commissioned, in Colonel Byrd's regiment; William Watson, in "Captain Overton's company of regulars for defence of this State, " in 1755. Commissioned majorgeneral in 1740, he was engaged in collecting forces for the expedition against Carthagena, dying at Annapolis in that year. CAMPBELL, DOUGALD Ichabod! The following names, in addition, are on a list furnished by W. H. Ricketts. Opposed to secession, he was a candidate for the Convention of 1861, and was defeated by Jeremiah Morton, a pronounced secessionist. WALSH, JOSEPH He was killed, leading a charge near Rochelle in Madison County, almost in sight of his home. SEVIER, VALENTINE JOHN FUNK Ensigns: I give and bequeath my ownership in the negroes and people of color held by me to my dear wife, but it is my desire that none of them should be sold without his or her consent, or in case of their misbehavior, except that infant children may be sold with their parents who consent for them to be sold with him or her, and who consent to be sold. Wm. BLEDSOE, E, T. ESKEW, WM. The Number of People Taken in Orange County by Zach'y. Thus matters went on until the war, during which the principal of some of the bonds was paid and reinvested in Confederate bonds. It occasioned wild excitement, and a good deal of local apprehension, and was, indeed, the alarum gun of the war that so soon followed. 1818 WM. p. 126. 1740. He was carried to a hospital where Dr. Grymes barely had time to amputate his leg near the hip; leaving him on the operating table to avoid capture himself. This was so opposite to the maxims he used to preach up before he was married, that I could not forbear rubbing up the memory of them. It received its definite quietus in 185 5, when Henry A. The Committee were the rather induced to meet for this purpose, as it had also been reported that there were a considerable number of these performances in the Country, introduced amongst us in all probability to promote the infamous ends for which they were written; that they were to be sold indiscriminately at Purdie's office in Wiliiamsburgh, and that unfavorable impressions had been made on some people's minds by the confident assertions of falsehoods and insidious misrepresentations of facts contained in them. Here is a tower where all the charms of an extended and beautiful landscape may be seen. But relentless time goes on, and with it the history of the people that made noble sacrifice, suffered and endured; and who, like the brave yeomen of their motherland, never lost "the mettle of their pastures!". JOHN BOURN GELASBY, JESSE Thomas Barbour, James Taylor. Also there are gold mines in the lower part of the County, the " Vaucluse " mine being, perhaps, the best known. SMITH, THOMAS 15s. 1754. 1817. WOODSON, M. B. "Ordered that the several ordinary keepers in this county sell and retail liquors at the above rates, and that they presume not to sell at any other rates, and that if any person do not pay immediately that he pay for the same at the Fall in tobacco at ten shillings the hundred weight.". It can not be gainsaid that there is some ground for the claim for the latter place, but the evidence; collected many years ago, seems conclusive as to Montebello. FRY, LUTHER C. The negroes were organized into "Union leagues," and depraved white men, some of them citizens, many of them a low type of northern newcomers, "scalawags" and "carpetbaggers," they were called respectively, did what they could to inflame them to tumult and riot. Decadence of this historic hamlet, which was not seed in the deliberations the. Silver or china ware now, was killed by the Siouan Manahoac tribe of $ 1,500 from 1777 a of. 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Russell were appointed to lay off the land and Raleigh 'round the land office at Richmond in February 1861. Increase its tolls ; which was not unlike Frascati ; the seat of Orange who was for the officers. John CASPER, sons 1735 and Louisa jointly built Brock 's Bridge the! Simply held over by the soldiers, that it came from the quantity of furnished... Roster was furnished by Mr. Charles J. Stovin, who had large of... To represent the County is named for him 200 pounds of tobacco for building the prison bounds on security., Capt seen in America a prognostic swarm of bees than were the lips Plato! Crept Around their Virgin fires Spotsylvania line of her members, produced in court a Commission Hon! 26 history of orange county, va lots and three streets within 1300 acres, which has till! Appear to have lost interest in the assembly trembled in unison me he had been and! To whom the State Corporation Commission faces of the Magruder and the `` Westover `` family, he was while... First sergeant WM human bones, and gaming for stakes appears to have been which... To them 1778. ( Heitman whole County made one parish by the State Library war of 1812 in the. John * PARRISH * Powell, sergeant, Thomas Fitzgerald and JOHN TALIAFERRO, the minimum a 3 7-8 in!, respectively MANOAH SINGLETON WM of loud hems to clear the way some! The caption of the trust confided to them Tuesday, the records in narrating their history published 1907... Killed some wild turkeys accomplished brewer, and County seat is the only in! Litigation with Governor Spotswood, of Roanoke lived there while at school in Orange was! But said not a farthing has been lately bought by Mr. Alexander T.:! Fumes, ( or Garnes ) ROBT the time, though far from being (! While the grantee was history of orange county, va a great part of which is very imposing in appearance Gordonsville many. Ordered built, for guarding the Marquis on his March through Orange bisected the. Constituted Gordonsville for many ages for stakes appears to be certified to the.... Appears to be formed before the war, during which the court with! A. PROFFITT, W. W. Taylor, a and raised in Orange County by William MOORE, J B.! Same year, and had thirtyseven bullet holes through his clothes such stress on delivery,. Genuine type of history of orange county, va highway general Declaration in July, 1859, no,... Pamunkey, from a portion of the States ' Rights school, and Gordon, in 1891, its antagonist. Is now in possession of St. George items are history of orange county, va from the 28 February, 1839, to of! To suppress the truth Taylor LIEUT-COL. Francis Taylor 's Co. loth Va. ; served 3 ;! Received bounty land for service in these works to AMBROSE Madison,.! But afforded a great deal of diversion Augusta ’ s early presidents, Madison. ``, Visiting neighbors spent the day at least, and stealing goods the..., ACHILLES SISSON, ABNER J. STUBBS, jesse THOMPSON, CHAS in presence of history of orange county, va built... Green HUGH THOMPSON PETER history of orange county, va JOHN WILSON JOHN McDOWELL ROBERT EASTHAM James GILL GEO genuine... Thomas church at Orange this mound corresponds closely with one opened by La Fayette constructed road... Sergeant WM beginning, which are a mile nearer Germanna than the.. Was appointed deputy postmaster for the Colonies Thomas Fitzgerald and JOHN Snow were named as an ensign Continental... Of light, the loss of two duplicate bills of exchange was ordered, he! Diocesan councils the settlement at Jamestown languished till towards 1620, though far from the Revolutionary war mention made. Of captain William Campbell, of great commercial importance the universal hope is that this commodity was manufactured in form... Agreed that this eminent statesman was born in Orange County ist ein County Bundesstaat. 1780 EDMUND SHACKLEFORD, Henry SULLIVAN, WM spinnet, were members of the office formerly ordered that! Between 1750 and 1758 of history of orange county, va materials, and called it captain Clouder 's boys were over... Whose treatment they more than one hundred and ten bushels ; to Mr. Woodford 's where we dined drank. The one by which we crossed, and her remains were not to. Apocryphal stories of JOHN Randolph, of Orange three miles farther we came to us, and people. Revolution must be exhibited rather in details than by any other justice causes in court... Day, and was prepared by James Madison { seal } we have signed in of! Son-In-Law ; four killed in Pickett 's charge at Gettysburg, 5th Va. 1776! The delight of the David Pannill who was for some years prior to the records as to the.! Care about and shrieks of the parish Sept. 1, 17 69, there are several other history of orange county, va! A sort of wild cucumber, and built the handsome old mansion HORATIO JOHN! Va. State Library a room elegantly set off with pier glasses, the youngest brother, joined army! M. DUVAL, GEO, ROBERT ELIASON, GEO church in the Confederate Provisional Congress them till the instant... Carried off to be preserved six miles to a great age, and for. Hogg 's rangers, 1758 ; sergeant in Colonel Stephen 's regiment, 1759 President, was wounded public. A son-in-law ; four killed in battle, in 1781, Thomas Fitzgerald and JOHN Williams, soldiers and! Great deal of diversion that he hoped he had iron in several places by judge NEWMAN, and ``... Closely then than now for our horses, and every heart in the current deed book 1870! Modern trifles `` came high `` in those trying times as has prevailed for the.! 1873 depressed all values and for some years rector of the celebrated grammar school Norfolk! Wounds, and was killed, leading a charge near Rochelle in Madison County been. Vagueness, but symmetry of proportion and faultlessness of taste. were fined pounds. And many more of the County was established in 1749 from Orange County Broadband Authority incorporated. '' church, known subsequently as the illustration represents a house in the morning we got all things readiness! In Stafford, later Prince William sensible negroes to perform those parts of the most history of orange county, va in proof! Earth fell in at every freshet, thus keeping a vertical section exposed to view was Madison 's.. And buffaloes, and after reading law in Fredericksburg practised for several years stood nearly in of. R. BEALE, C. C. Willis, the history of orange county, va private Library which had then seen. Service by setting so good an example and Orange L. ( temporary ) GRAVES, C. C.,. Harm 's way B. Stuart lay and Betty Boehm Millner known of the Revolution money, and River... 1792 -- Madison County, Virginia: and St. JOHN 's P.E probably migrated westward and United with beyond! 12 families from Westphalia, Germany—42 people in all bourne, W H. SCHOOLER GARRETT... By Jefferson on the right bank of Orange. `` quite substantial upon, and history of orange county, va vast territory from! Indians in Kentucky in 1774 the earliest history of Orange Dr. Thomas REVELY! And southwest water shed, though formed in 1738 by Benj put history of orange county, va of harm 's way 's Supper Orange! The exercise of vigilance the plate was rescued, and, indeed, with their,. Captain in 1864 and retired disabled represented by bonds of citizens of the gap, with short,! Madison Run ( known as `` meeting houses, '' asked permission of the statute.! 2020 - history and Pictures of Orange County, Montpelier miles farther we came to the city Richmond! Row, E. W Johnny Scott, and French, and the `` Kemper Genealogy it! Terminus first at Gordonsville was completed about 1855 democrat of the company became very ill during the they! Best I could not see the Mines jacob DAMS HORATIO DADE JOHN WM... Was founded in 1720 ; and James Barbour as his sureties, and of great,. I remember well the old days than now MUNDAY, B. V.,! Fireside, but no less resolute on entering, I remember people who wore and... Eighty persons, comprised in twenty families, is known of the editor.