We simply know no different based on the contents of the paper. Victims of abuse may be silenced by their religious communities who fear the negative attention or legal repercussions the scandal of abuse would cause if it were discovered that a member of their organization committed the abuse. Parental Alienation, which is a form of psychological or mental child abuse, is not some magical potion concocted by defense attorneys and experts to convince Judges they must reduce or remove a mother’s parenting time. I doubt many people think so, but apparently Meier is one who does. A very true and balanced assessment, I think. Some advocacy research is extremely well camouflaged, hiding behind apparently balanced academic language. “The only other things that matters to me is working to get body cameras on social workers made manadary, complete transparency in family courts with each FC hearing to be video taped, evidential standards in FC to be the same as in criminal courts, for all cases involving allegations of abuse/violence of any kind to be pursued and actioned in the criminal courts concurrent with any FC hearings and such criminal cases to be CONCLUDED before conclusion of the FC case.”, While I concur with the above. Mothers who report sexual abuse nearly always lose custody. And in regard to any originating in the USA, anything that happens in the USA can stay in the USA as far as I am concerned. I know his father abused him and I doubt this has stopped. You bring a myth: you claim mothers not more important thsb fathers, which is false, especially in the first couple of years where mother is more important. A mother should never fear losing custody of her children after leaving a violent home. Other than that it only raises awareness of what is going on in the US courts. When I was accused of being insane by the father it was much easier to solve the case this way. Had that review been by one of the UK leading experts such as prof Andy Bilson it might have credibility to me, and even more so if it had been a review by one of our leading female academics. ( Log Out /  Abuse claims tend to be part of a raft of other actions by alienating parents; not investigated here. But a systemic bias against mothers in the courts seems unlikely, both in view of quote (A), above, and also because mothers are awarded custody far more often (~85%). Straightaway we see that the data source used by Meier is severely skewed. The more likely interpretation of Meier’s own data is that they reveal that a larger percentage of claims of alienation by mothers are false than claims of alienation by fathers, bearing in mind that this relates only to Meier’s skewed dataset. That hardly exhausts the many flaws in Meier’s study, but suffice it to say that Cahn isn’t interested in giving Forbes readers a balanced view of the matter. Hi Amanda, I’m afraid I no longer have it. The author’s partisan position is painfully apparent from the opening sentence. There were some – although not many – cases where the genders were reversed.”. When the genders were reversed, and fathers started out with the children, mothers took custody from fathers only 28% of the time. I think we may interpret this to mean that, when the court believes an allegation of alienation, it has a substantial effect on the likelihood that they rule to change the children’s residency. I have reviewed a great many academic publications. The US study was produced by Professor Joan Meier, a nationally recognised expert in the US on domestic violence, and Sean Dickson, and is the second piece of research they have published on this topic. ukfamilycourtcorruptpracticesJohn Malloch-Caldwell said: A mother abused as a child and put in care had this used against her in court and had her daughter, how is subject to an incurable genetic condition, proven by forensic DNA evidence that the mother was not responsible, placed in care. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I decided to end the absolute white wash and left with my son. To Meier, the data provides a window into what she considers a parallel to the #MeToo movement. Angry, scared and confused parents who say courts are awarding full or partial custody of their children to the abusive other parent. For all we know from the paper, the courts might have been 100% perfect in their rulings, always ensuring a safe adult was given custody of the children. A pilot version of the study was published in 2017, ukfamilycourtcorruptpracticesJohn Malloch-Caldwell, Mothers Who Allege Abuse More Likely To Lose Custody of Their Children – Researching Reform | cathy fox blog on child abuse, Mariella Frostrup: victim-blaming does a disservice to survivors – #thecourtsaid, All Party Parliamentary Group on Family Law and The Court of Protection. Well, the better-informed ones, actually. For a professional to present it this way is staggering in a UK context. Mothers are losing custody of their children to their abusers even in cases where family violence is documented with hospital records, convictions, and restraining orders. The US Family Courts and State Legislatures have always been far in advance of the UK’s Jurassic judges in acknowledging the value of shared parenting and are clearly ensuring that the best interests of the children are protected. Incredibly, mothers also risk losing custody if they accuse fathers of beating or sexually abusing them or their children — even or especially if these allegations are supported by experts (Chesler, 2011). Mothers are no more important than fathers to their children. Nothing odd here. In order to prevent others from testifying to witnessed abuse, the abuser may manipulate, threaten, bribe, or even blackmail the family and friends of his victim. There is not some pervasive confirmatory biased mind set or scheme among Family Court Judges to wrest custody away from fit mothers who allege abuse in child custody cases. The site Researching Reform summarised the paper’s findings thus, “The first ever national study has confirmed that mothers who make complaints of child abuse against a father in court are more likely to lose contact rights with their children. By contrast, fathers lost custody … The blame for this failure to uphold academic standards lies not only with the author but also with the peer reviewer(s), and the journal itself. Meier’s interpretation is that this observation implies that allegations of alienation are a cunning plan to obtain custody which works far more effectively for fathers than mothers. My son was handed to his father. I’ve seen examples of what she alleges here in the UK, and I’ve seen the opposite. Research indicates that that custody litigation can become a vehicle whereby batterers and child abusers attempt to extend or maintain their control and authority over their victims after separ… I don’t think superficial research is helpful. What it needs to be about is when children allege abuse. That’s 1.8% of the cases. This sample bias is so serious the paper should have been rejected as it invalidates all that follows. Drug abuse by a parent potentially causes the loss of visitation, custody and even parental rights in the most serious of cases. Necessarily, then, virtually all allegations of abuse which the court does not believe will be allegations by mothers against fathers. Hi Meme, the point, I think, is to raise awareness of the problem and to give professionals some insight into how they could be improving things in genuine cases of abuse. If the outcome of the appeal is to change the children’s residency, in 85% of cases it can only go from mother to father. My son and I never spent a day apart in three years. But alienation will not be believed – or not believed to be sufficiently serious – in all cases. For example, although she uses the terms “abuse” and “alienation” liberally, she nowhere defines abuse and her definition of parental alienation is flat wrong. -Familiar patterns of abuse simply shift ground to the legal arena where current child custody laws and procedures present opportunities for new tactics of domination and control. Posted by Natasha in child abuse, Family Law, Judges, judicial bias, Researching Reform. Alienation’s impact is gender-specific; fathers alleging mothers are abusive are not similarly undermined when mothers cross-claim alienation.”. The key questions we should be asking, are why are men and women perceived a specific way in this context and what can we do to ensure that children genuinely being harmed are protected? When moms ignore the best interest factors, there can be disastrous consequences—like losing custody.In this scenario, we’re talking mostly about factor number 6. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Professor Meier’s allegations and position on this topic has been answered by Harman and Lorandos, 2020. This is another issue over which the peer reviewer(s) failed badly. But we’ll never know because Meier made no effort to find out. But – crucially – other things are not equal in Meier’s dataset. How does quote (B) differ from quote (A), above? Thousands of Mothers Lose Their Children to Abusive Fathers Representing only women in divorce and custody cases, Diane and Charlie began my education with one grisly case. Child abuse or sexual abuse is the number one reason that a mother can lose custody of her child. Many wonder why victims of family violence choose to remain in abusive relationships. Children need both parents when possible .Any parent that has NOT been charged with or convicted of a serious offence against children should never be refused contact (supervised if considered necessary by doctors or police). I have not seen him since. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. And, surprise, surprise…, “There were lower custody loss rates among the non-appealed cases.”. And I am happy that my experiences have formed part of several reputable UK academic studies in the last few years. What’s wrong with them? Mothers Losing Custody to Abusers: Sexist Bias & Power in Family Court on WBAI Radio 99.5 FM-- Wednesday, March 16, 9-10 pm PLEASE POST WIDELY On Wednesday, March 16, 9-10 pm, Joy of Resistance will present Mothers Losing Custody to Abusers: Sexist Bias & Power in Family Court on WBAI Radio @ 99.5 FM and streaming live on the web @ www.wbai.org For more information visit:Â, If you’re a victim of domestic violence, I urge you to get help. According to the Administration for Children and Families, mothers commit about twice the abuse and neglect of children that fathers do. Of the 4,338 cases in the total dataset, at least 52% involved allegations of abuse, almost all being allegations by mothers against fathers. We read this in its Conclusion, “The data support the widespread critiques of family court proceedings sending children into the care of destructive and dangerous parents.”. They are not drug addicts, criminals, abusers, or unstable. Physical abuse that can cause a mother to lose custody of her children may also extend to the father or other noncustodial parent. As in their pilot study, Meier and her research team found that only 1 out of every 51 cases in which a mother reported child sexual abuse by the father was believed, when the father claimed parental alienation. This ‘research’ and the hopelessly amateurish reporting of it are only worthy of someone who already has an answer. Let me unpick the paper a little so you can see how propaganda gold is spun out of factual straw. This is the further skew in the data sample which renders Meier’s findings unsurprising. When they can then you can claim equality with mothers. Victims, remember to always browse the internet in private or incognito mode! It is eminently clear from the rest of the paper that “dangerous parents” means fathers. child custody outcomes in cases involving parental alienation and abuse allegations: what do the data show?”, By Joan S. Meier, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 42:1, 92-105 (2020). She chose only appellate court cases to study, meaning that all those that were never tried to a court and never appealed weren’t considered by her. After all, her entire study is based on the false premise that parental alienation is nothing more than an attempt by fathers to gain an advantage in custody cases. often suggest that a protection order is a great resource for victims experiencing violence. This study contributes to past research by providing qualitative accounts of women's experiences with intimate partner violence prior to custody loss, institutional abuse at the hands of the family court, and abuse experienced after custody loss. Not ones who allow themselves to be groomed, and not ones who work to their departmental or managerial agendas. Who is likely to be the appellant in such cases? Dig out all the roots of discrimination, blame and shame from SW culture. Start with this quote referring to the source of Meier’s data (published court opinions), “the majority of the opinions analyzed were appellate decisions.”. Research shows children are placed in full or partial custody of their identified sexual abusers 90%of the time. Here we have another crucial skew in the data. It is going to cause upset among men however, which is a foreseeable and understandable end result of data which speaks in part to gender. Nowhere did she attempt to differentiate between, say, a push or shove and a beating that put the victim in the hospital. A pilot version of the study was published in 2017 and found that family courts only believed a mother’s claim of a child’s sexual abuse 1 out of 51 times (approximately 2%) when the accused father alleged parental alienation. Victims of domestic violence may be urged to remain in a violent marriage by their religious leaders, as divorce is considered to be an offense that will send your soul to hell. However, I will not take up readers’ time with the loaded language. The paper purports to reveal certain correlations, or associations, between allegations of abuse, allegations of alienation, and courts ruling to change the custodial parent from mother to father, or vice-versa. From a FC judgement I was party to in 1979 to a recent one which I was party to, nothing has changed. However, let’s press on, ignoring that flaw, fatal though it actually is. My guess is that most people inquiring into the topic would want to know those things, but not Meier. Your false narrative cannot and will not change biological facts. This faithfully reflects the tenor of the paper itself. The paper in question is “U.S. This same sample bias contaminates all the observations which follow, irrespective of allegations of abuse or alienation. @YuriJoakimidis. In just 163 of those was there an allegation of abuse by the mother that was countered by a claim of alienation by the father. The wording of the above quote (and throughout the paper) invites us to interpret these associations thus: if a poor abused mother has the nerve to allege that her ex-partner is abusive, she is likely to be punished for it by removal of her children. Failure to properly feed, clothe or groom a child may be neglect. eg Why would you analyse violence against the mother but ignore violence against the father? In many cases the bias favoring abusive fathers forces mothers to trade support for custody. While it’s always important to appreciate the military for their service to the country, … There is no need to opt for an interpretation that the courts are biased against mothers, as Meier’s findings are only what would be expected on purely statistical grounds given the multiple biases in the sample of data analysed. Clearly, in cases where the father sought custody in the initial hearing, but failed, and has subsequently made an appeal, any decision by the court to change residency can only go one way. The familial and relational stability of the child is ultimately the health of the nation. To pull the argument apart most cogently the best place to start is this revealing quote, (A) “Mothers and fathers fared equally in several circumstances: First, when a parent’s claim of alienation was credited (across abuse and non-abuse cases) mothers and fathers lost custody at identical rates (71%). After one session with psychiatrist I was prescribed drugs for bipolar. A very high percentage of battered mothers lose custody of their children to their abuser, and an increasing number of battered mothers are not seeking the help they need. What I am most interested in, is my own lived experience of domestic violence, child abuse and parental alienation. Sadly, family members and friends often turn their backs on victims of abuse. A standard requirement is to confirm that “the conclusions follow from the arguments of the text”. Enter your email address to follow K. S. Bowers and receive updates, release information, and more. It’s devastating and wrong and should not be allowed to happen. And in just 81 of those was custody transferred from Mom to Dad. Abusers are controlling and that need for control isn’t just limited to their victims. We need to ensure that any SW found to be committing perjury is tried in a criminal court, and then maybe they’d actually tell the truth without partisan bias. We need transparency and accountability right from day one. What does that tell you in the context of child custody cases? I haven’t added it with the sole purpose of assisting court goers. This research on US courts would be of no use to me in defending against such allegations in a UK FC. III. List readers may be interested in this review of the Joan Meier study by family law commentator Robert Franklin. Mothers are losing custody of their children to their abusers even in cases where family violence is documented with hospital records, convictions, and restraining orders. The entire “study” is an exercise in statistical misdirection, and the claims made in the Conclusion and Abstract are invalidated by serious statistical shortcomings. In addition, the patriarchal beliefs of many religions teach and demand submissiveness and obedience from women and children. So I was shut out of my daughter’s life, not by the High Court who recommended contact, but by Oxford Family Court. And so began my journey into the dark world of family courts. Worse – the wicked father may make a counter-allegation of alienation which will have the effect of further increasing the likelihood that she will lose her children. And we need a CPS prepared to take cases forward when police officers investigating any such allegations believe the child is telling the truth. The “conclusion” comes from nowhere – or, rather, it comes from pre-existing prejudice but not from the data within the study. Both parents risk losing custody rights if the non-abusive parent knew about the abuse and didn’t prevent it. The reality is that the family courts used to be heavily biased in favour of mothers who reported sexual abuse of their children by the father.These fathers not only lost custody but were denied all future contact with their own children.This unfairness roused a movement called “fathers for justice to climb on roof of important buildings and to pickett the home addresses of judges ! Consider this: When fathers alleged mothers were alienating, regardless of abuse claims, they took custody away from her 44% of the time. If so, what does that relationship look like?” -Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States of America, to the National Summit on the Intersection of Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment, June 2009. “Why are mothers who are the victims of domestic violence losing custody of their children to the courts …? In my case I never made any derogatory comments or allegations about the mother of my child, despite her taking the child to the High Court (to testify against me) without her having a solicitor (her right as a child, and free). Until we do this, all other efforts on behalf of children are like Sisyphus. Child Abuse. How much harder is it for immigrants or foreign-born victims? Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kimberly Bowers with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. This doesn’t come across as superficial research. This need not be inconsistent with a claim that, other things being equal, mothers and fathers are equally likely to be alienators. ( Log Out /  Can a father breastfeed his child? The core of Meier’s and Cahn’s claims is that fathers use false claims of parental alienation to wrest custody from mothers. The possible reasons for this are, (a) the courts are biased against mothers, or (b) the courts are broadly accurate in their assessments but a larger percentage of alienation claims by mothers than by fathers are false within Meier’s skewed dataset. Since alienation involves psychological trauma to the child, and the courts are mandated to make the child’s welfare paramount, if the court believes this is happening it is hardly surprising that the result is frequently a court ruling for change of residency. Family courts have made it easy for batterers to abuse their families, and in this manner the abuse is legal. In many cases, battered women are left bankrupt trying to defend themselves and their children. Currently, they are too protected and they know it. In custody litigation, when mothers reported abuse — including child abuse and domestic violence — the mothers lost custody 28 percent of the time. Or maybe not. The domestic violence manuals state that if there is a personal protection order in the case, the father is not allowed to have unsupervised visitations, let alone custody. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. They may be fearful of damage to their reputation, family name, or livelihood if the abuser is a relative. The research incorporated published court opinions available online between 2005 and 2014, and used those judgments to create a data set of 4,388 custody (child contact) cases. But there is another skew: quote, “This article focuses primarily on findings related to cases where a mother accused a father of abuse. The Main Grounds for A Mother to Lose Custody of her Child(ren) The mother engaged in acts of physical abuse against the father or the child(ren). A further review of Joan Meier’s treatise that works through the misrepresentation of data and exposing bogus academic research driven by doctrinaire dogma. The first ever national study has confirmed that mothers who make complaints of child abuse against a father in court are more likely to lose contact rights with their children. It might be that Meier’s dataset does support the conclusion, but the text of the paper does not support the statement in the Abstract and so is another failure of the peer reviewers to do their job. From this point on I shall simply assume the data that Meier quotes is valid (as I have no way of checking it). The mother engaged in acts of mental abuse towards the child(ren) and also includes acts and behaviors designed to encourage the idea of parental estrangement to the child(ren). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. [Liss & Stahly, 1993; Marks, 1988; Pagelow, 1992]. most custody arrangements are not made in the courts. (The National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges, Synergy- The Newsletter of the Resource Center on Domestic Violence Child Protection and Custody, Vol. What about civil court? In fact, there’s a yearly conference that deals just with mothers who are trying desperately to regain custody of their children from their abusers. Should all those mothers lose custody? It’s a human rights violation of epidemic proportions. The team classified the cases into different types of abuse allegations by either parent: The study also included allegations that one parent was trying to alienate the child from the other parent. Meier simply takes as axiomatic that the explanation is (a), bias against mothers. For example, if one parent sexually or physically abuses a child, while the other parent stands by and does nothing, the child may be removed from the parents’ home. The following study adds to research that examines child custody cases involving a history of interpersonal violence. (Mildred Daley Pagelow, Battered Women A Historical Research Review and Some Common Myths, p. 107). Physical abuse toward her ex, especially if he’s filed a restraining order against her, can reflect poorly on her abilities as a mother. These allegations are likely to have played a part in the decision to place the child with the mother (in 85% of cases). It’s a fatal flaw for any study and one that caused Prof. Bala to call her work “extremely skewed.”. REPORTS BY PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IV. I can find nothing within the paper to substantiate it. Mothers losing custody to abusers Human Rights Violations of Mothers and Children Worldwide Documented for UN On August 2, The Women’s Coalition PAC submitted a claim to the UN documenting the human rights violations of mothers and children worldwide, calling on the UN to take action. Into what she alleges here in the past the hospital this for 7! 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