The following are class skills for aberrations: Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (pick one), Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, and Swim. After any listed rarity trait and the alignment abbreviation, each creature has its size listed before its traits. If a creature emits a heavy aroma or is upwind, the GM can double or even triple the range of scent abilities used to detect that creature, and the GM can reduce the range if a creature is downwind. Effects with this trait deal acid damage. Pathfinder 1E | Pathfinder 2E | Starfinder. A family of diminutive winged fey with a strong connection to primal magic. Rare As the name suggests, these creatures are rare. Any creature of the monsterâs size or smaller whose space the monster moves through can attempt a Reflex save with the listed DC to avoid being engulfed. Critical Success The creature is unaffected by the presence. Outsiders breathe, but do not need to eat or sleep (although they can do so if they wish). Base attack bonus equal to 1/2 total Hit Dice (slow progression). Skulks are a family of humanoids whose skin can shift coloration to aid in stealth. If a coven member leaving the coven or the death of a coven member brings the coven below three members, the remaining members keep their elite adjustments for 24 hours, but without enough members to contribute the necessary actions, they canât cast coven spells. The following are class skills for fey: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, Use Magic Device. However, you might want to vary these based on the specific creature. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by halflings. Traditional aeons have dualistic natures and forms, and they hold a dichotomy of interests, though axiomites and inevitables do not. A creature with this trait has a magical connection to powerful sound. They can survive the basic environmental effects of the Shadow Plane. Aquatic creatures can breathe water but not air. Those that manipulate earth have no effect in an area without earth. It includes the creature's name, its type, sub-type, alignment, Challenge Rating (CR), and the print source in which the creature first appeared. When a creature is exposed to a monsterâs poison, it attempts a Fortitude save to avoid becoming poisoned. If all the characters are aware of their opponents, proceed with normal rounds. Trigger An enemy damages the monsterâs ally, and both are within15 feet of the monster. Nymphs are a family of fey that take the form of beautiful humanoids with elven features and have a deep association with the natural world. Kobolds are reptilian humanoids who are usually Small and typically have darkvision. I know in 1st edition fire was basically the worst element to go for as the games went on because so many things resisted or were immune to it, is the same true for 2E? A magical item radiates a magic aura infused with its dominant school of magic. If a creature lacks this entry, it cannot communicate with or understand another creature through language. | Fudge SRD Fungal creatures have the fungus trait. These subterranean people have darkvision, and some have powers to create darkness. Type: The creature's type changes to undead. Covens also grant spells and rituals to their members, but these can be cast only in cooperation between three coven members who are all within 30 feet of one another. An engulfed creature can attack the monster engulfing it, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light Bulk or less. Sometimes youâll want a creature thatâs just a bit more powerful than normal so that you can present a challenge that would otherwise be trivial, or show that one enemy is stronger than its kin. Speed, followed by any other Speeds or movement abilities. Reactive Abilities Free actions or reactions that are usually triggered when itâs not the creatureâs turn are listed here. Automatic Abilities The creatureâs auras, any abilities that automatically affect its defenses, and the like are listed here. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to this creature is increased by 5. Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. | FateCoreSRD They are distinct from normal plants. Cannot heal damage on its own, but often can be repaired via exposure to a certain kind of effect (see the creature’s description for details) or through the use of the. They do not age, and while some may be driven by supernatural hungers, they do not need to eat or drink to survive. A weapon with this trait is created and used by halflings. The monsterâs transformation automatically defeats Perception DCs to determine whether the creature is a member of the ancestry or creature type into which it transformed, and it gains a +4 status bonus to its Deception DC to prevent others from seeing through its disguise.