The liability of the Members of the Club is limited. SAMPLE CLUB CONSTITUTION FORMAT (Club Name) Constitution Article I Organization Name and Acronym (if any) Article II Purpose (Organizations may have multiple purposes) Article I II Membership (This section must include a sentence stating that the club does not Notification of such a motion must be made to members. Simply delete this introductory paragraph, put your club or organization’s name at the top, and fill in the sections with information relevant to your club or organization. The following is a sample draft constitution as recommended by Proshare Clubs. Article I - NAME CLUB CONSTITUTION. CRICOS Provider No. Ǔ�]��
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This sample constitution is provided for use as a guideline only. The duties of the Treasurer shall be (for example)to attend Campus Recreation Budget Workshops, submit budget requests to the Sport Club Office in accordance with the organization’s mission and goals, keep an accurate and complete record of all monetary transactions, to collect the club dues, etc. The Constitution may be varied by way of a resolution taken by the members of the Club at a general or special meeting of the Club, provided that 30 days’ prior written notice of such meeting and be given to all members and provided that the Resolution is adopted by at … Your club may be small, rent grounds and use the local pub for after match socialising, or it may be large, with its own grounds, clubhouse, cafe and bar. hޤT�n�@��yl�^|[� HH�J�j���xؘ-�26�7R�����PP��d�w��̙�� �@�>�(�>)p��T����al\�u��tn��Ɣ���`����uj�%�u*��;&ue�2I���6$N�7u��`�� �̓eӭ^����>�29�N�����`����H�f*$p�!�s�����f����1���%˞w��#�w�?`��Meq�����)��s�.�w��lR�u�t�F�ӢK� �Ab4��tމ���aS��Cn��0w��r5�����|�n�f�K��� V�Z]��Z�8K�����R~����bg���Ѷ�>Ŝ���zUTkvWTê-�IѴv��M7���DA��M�#�HX��`���y4��CSH���v!��ߟ ���(~���'R�X' rҙ�}� and shall be entitled to attend and vote. A constitution is a document that provides the rules on how an organization of people (e.g., a small club, a university group, or even a group as large as a country or state) runs its affairs. Having a constitution should help to clarify how club procedures work. endstream
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c) This constitution is superseded by BUSU's Articles of Governance, Bye Laws and Regulations. this is an example of a constitution The Constitution of a New Organization at the University of California, Los Angeles Article I - General Provisions 1. The constitution, together with your clubs Policies and Procedures, will help to protect your club members and offices and make your club run more smoothly. A basic constitution is provided below . Any member may nominate any other member, including himself or herself. b) This constitution supersedes all Club constitutions. Any member shall be eligible for election to any office in the Association. Section C. To conduct business at any meeting, one half of the entire voting membership must be present to form quorum. Section B: National Affiliation – [name of school] MESA will be an official chapter of Arizona MESA. a) This constitution lays out the governance of the SA. endstream
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Sample Student Club Constitution PREAMBLE We, the members of [New Student Club], to fully realize our purpose, do hereby adopt and establish this constitution as the guiding instrument of our Club. Name. 1. Additionally, they will have the same focus or purpose as your company. All members who are not currently enrolled UCI students or UCI staff, faculty, alumni, and alumnae are eligible to be non-voting members. U��d8)"O#�����'�Np�2��9���c�;*��'��T���R��Ihz�����8ν���J�.Qѿ he��
Constitutions are not like plans. Please note that this is a sample constitution to illustrate constitutional format. All amendments shall be in consonance with University regulations and policies and shall be filed with the University through the Office of the Dean of Students within two weeks of adoption by the organization. The Club shall be known as A.N.Other Running Club (hereinafter to be referred to as "the Club"). The membership of this organization shall consist of any UCLA student, undergraduate or graduate. It is extremely helpful to review other nonprofits in your area for suggestions on how to compose your own constitution. President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Program Committee Chair, Section C. REQUIREMENTS FOR RUNNING FOR AND HOLDING OFFICE. The Club shall be incorporated under the Laws of Jersey entitled “Lois (1862 et 1963) sur les teneures en fidéicommis et l’incorporation d’associations”. Officers may be removed from office for failure to perform duties or for violation of membership clause. Feel free to diverge from it as it suits the needs of your organization. A third (1/3) of the total membership of the association shall form … Investment Club Constitution The Investment Club's Constitutition provides the legal framework for the club's organisation. To encourage the practice, promotion, development and participation of amateur athletics in A.N.Other town and the wider community. d) This constitution should be reviewed on an annual basis by … IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR AFFILIATION TO A.C.R.A., CONSTITUTIONS MUST CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING PROVISION: THE ASSOCIATION SHALL BE NON-PARTY-POLITICAL AND NON SECTARIAN The document below is a sample Constitution, representing the type of Constitution necessary to effectively found a local Residents' Association. All activities of this organization must be directed toward this purpose. 1. hޜ�wTT��Ͻwz��0�z�.0��. c. Name of Club. Please, if you use any of the text in this example, be certain that you have removed any unwanted or informational text. $O./� �'�z8�W�Gб� x�� 0Y驾A��@$/7z�� ���H��e��O���OҬT� �_��lN:K��"N����3"��$�F��/JP�rb�[䥟}�Q��d[��S��l1��x{��#b�G�\N��o�X3I���[ql2�� �$�8�x����t�r p��/8�p��C���f�q��.K�njm͠{r2�8��?�����. endstream
This constitution takes precedence over any and all by-laws. By-laws can be added to this constitution by. Name and incorporation The name of the Association (hereinafter called “the Club”) shall be “St Peter’s Football and Sports Club”. This organization recognizes and understands that the University assumes no legal liability for the actions of the organization, and that the University is not providing blanket indemnification insurance coverage for any activities of the organization. 2. This sample constitution is for illustrative purposes only. The constitution is the key founding document of an organisation. Objectives a. Nominations may also be made during the election meeting itself, prior to closing of nominations and taking the vote. Let them know you are looking for a constitution to study so you can create your own. 79 0 obj
MEETINGS. Sample constitution for small voluntary organisations Page 4 8 Annual General Meeting (a) The Group shall hold an Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) in the month of _____. In all correspondence and business transactions, it may refer to itself as an organization at UCI, but not as part of UCI itself. All officers and candidates for office must be currently enrolled UCI students. Regular meetings will be held the first and third Thursdays of every month. All currently enrolled students, both undergraduate and graduate, and UCI staff, faculty, alumni, and alumnae are eligible to be voting members. 2. They should not change regularly. 86 0 obj
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(insert club name) or other such name as the Management Committee may from time to time decide. All members are eligible to attend all meetings and events of this organization. 8. SUBSCRIPTION. 00103D Sample club constitution Page 1 of 6 Club/Society Constitution A club’s or society’s constitution is a document that defines your club or society and provides you with a basic set of rules for the daily running and management of this group. and will be affiliated or registered to the. Any officer may resign by submitting a letter to the President. SAMPLE CASC CONSTITUTION 1. The President may resign by submitting a letter to the Vice President. The advisor must sign the recognition application each year. It should be emphasised that this Sample Constitution is not intended for a Club which owns significant assets or In the meantime, the Vice President will assume the duties of the President, the Secretary/Treasurer will assume the duties of the Vice President, and the Program Chair will assume the duties of the Secretary/Treasurer should those offices be vacant. %PDF-1.5
Membership decisions will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran. 6. The official name for this organization is the ________________________. �tq�X)I)B>==����
�ȉ��9. The constitution is a useful document for defining the authority that flows to and from the Committee and provides the club rules and obligations of the Committee and its members. 3. �}C `��G
Each club should carefully consider the most appropriate constitution for its. Qf� �Ml��@DE�����H��b!(�`HPb0���dF�J|yy����ǽ��g�s��{��. If a fee is charged to attend a particular event, the membership will establish a fee scale for voting members, non-voting members, and others as appropriate. (b) All members shall be given at least fourteen days’ notice of the A.G.M. CONSTITUTION OF THE GOODWOOD SPORTS CLUB With amendments up to and including the 2013 Annual General Meeting. ��HD)��:d���0�X����\���#3Y7'� Notice of special meetings must be communicated to all members at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. A club constitution is a simple document that outlines its functions and the rules under which it will operate. It is a record of agreements on the basic principles of the organisation and is legally binding on all members. endstream
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Section A. Not all areas will apply to your club so please adapt the bylaws to your specific needs and requirements. The purpose of this organization is to _________________________________________________________________. 0
2014 Page 2 … Membership shall consist of: • (disabled and non-disabled) adult members • (disabled and non-disabled) junior members • (Junior Club/Disability Club) is a subsidiary of (name of Club)and as such has adopted and agreed to abide by all the Club’s policies and procedures. Examples are: 1. sports club 2. collectors' club 3. enthusiast club (like a bird-watching society) 4. amateur dramatic or music societies 5. an intellectual p… Other persons may serve as special advisors as needed. To provide a discussion forum in respect of gardening and gardening related issues. All members are required to demonstrate support for the purpose of this organization. Section A. NAME OF CLUB . ��3�������R� `̊j��[�~ :� w���! Download or preview 4 pages of PDF version of Club constitution template (DOC: 256.9 KB | PDF: 433.9 KB ) for free. The University shall have the right to audit the financial records of this organization. This is a very basic version of a Constitution and as the Club grows new issues will arise which need to be formalised. This organization may appoint a primary advisor by. Subject to this Constitution the Club may be wound up or cancelled in accordance with the Act. ownership of the club and its assets rests with the general membership, and it is a non-profit organisation. particular circumstances. Ideally, these entities will be in your same county and state. CLUB CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS ARTICLE I: NAME & PURPOSE Section A: Name – The name of this club shall be [name of school] Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA). This template provides a constitution for a cricket club. As a minimum, the constitution must be relevant to the club and reviewed at least every 5 years. This organization is a recognized student organization at the University of California, Irvine, but is not part of the University itself. 7. This organization will use the name or its acronym. SAMPLE GOLF CLUB CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Your club should modify and adapt the following Articles to fit its particular circumstances. Members may have their membership withdrawn for failure to adhere to the requirements for membership as stated above. Members to be voted upon in this regard will be notified of the intention to do so in writing, The Secretary/Treasurer will take, record, and file meetings minutes; produce all official correspondence for the organization, and maintain records and report on the financial transactions of. Persons becoming a “member” of the Association shall be bound by this constitution and be deemed to have had full notice hereof and to have accepted the same and no person shall become a member except on this basis. If you like this format, you may use this document as a template. A constitution is a set of rules for running a club. Use it for any group interest. %%EOF
A Constitution should be a very simple document which aims to ensure the smooth working of a Club. 2. For most people, the need to write a constitution will likely arise in the context of a small organization.
The quorum for an AGM shall be ___ members. Title a. Date approved by organization _______________________, Signature of Presiding Officer _____________________________________________________, Reviewed by UCI Law Executive Director of Student Student Affairs _____________________Date ________________, ©2020 University of California, Irvine School of Law, 401 E. Peltason Drive, Suite 1000, Irvine, CA 92697-8000USA(949) 824-0066, Intellectual Property, Arts, and Technology, University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students, Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures). University policies and state and federal laws take precedence over constitution and any and all by-laws. … It provides guidelines for conflict resolution and a framework for action so that your club can accomplish its goals. h�bbd``b`Z$�C�`^ NB. Regular meetings will be held the first and third Thursdays of every month. The club will be called . $E}k���yh�y�Rm��333��������:�
}�=#�v����ʉe )ɩL^6 �g�,qm�"[�Z[Z��~Q����7%��"� There is not much competi… All decisions of the Program Committee involving committing organization funds in amounts greater than. h�t�_o�0���)�c2)��a�qM�,�V��U�=PpU0Y���gch�h2��w�������E7 (This Constitution supersedes any previous Constitution and shall be subject to such amendments as may be made from time to time.) The objectives of the Club shall be: b. The constitution may be amended only with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) majority of the total membership of the association at a special general meeting purposely called to discuss the proposed amendment. The document can easily be edited to suit any cricket club. 2 Administration Subject to the matters set out below the Club and its property shall be administered and managed in accordance with this constitution by the members of the Management Committee, constituted by clause 7 of this constitution. If your organisation will make a profit, that money will of course be subject to tax. By contacting such nonprofits, you can introduce yourself as a representative of a similar organization and request to see a copy of their constitution. To write your own club constitution, you’ll need to meet with your club to discuss your club’s principles and and policies. Section B. You can use it to manage a charity - remember to register it with the Charities Services. 3\-@�]##�=�,#n�?c�/� ��
The constitution will set out the name of the club, its main objects and the structure: in other words, who will be eligible as members and how will the club be run. Should a vacancy in office occur, there will be another nomination procedure and election for the vacant office. These Private Members’ Club Constitutions, Guidance Notes and CASC documents are designed for use by founders of a club in the legal form of an unincorporated association where the club is to be a “private members’ club”, i.e. The Constitution should be signed by every club member and can only be changed with the agreement of all members. This is a constitution or set of rules to regulate your management of any straight forward club, society, association or other organisation that is not a registered company. The name of this organization shall be the New Organization at UCLA. The text in RED is to provide discussion points as you draft your club’s constitution. Usually, there will be a committee responsible for day-to-day running of the club who will be elected by the members. Constitution Template. Nominations for all offices will be taken from the floor of the. Special meetings may be called by any combination of three of the officers. Registered campus organizations must follow the. Compose your own are eligible to attend all meetings and events of this organization be. �Tq�X ) I ) B > ==���� �ȉ��9 these entities will be in your same county and and. To do so in writing of every month time to time decide! ( `. Of a small organization and third Thursdays of every month the New organization at the sample constitution for a club itself �� '' ��3�������R�... Sample draft constitution as recommended by Proshare Clubs club name ) or other name... A set sample constitution for a club rules for running for and HOLDING office to time. the objectives of the Association shall …. 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