Private indoor gatherings are capped at 10 people, and private outdoor gatherings are capped at 25 people. Individuals must stay in their homes between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. Restaurants and bars may remain open for on-premises dining but must close between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., among other restrictions. Under the new restrictions, indoor and outdoor gatherings, whether public or private, must be capped at 10 people (down from 25). Gov. Although brides are baring the brunt of the disappointment and emotions, this has also been devastating for wedding businesses. Religious and political gatherings are exempt. Northam expanded a mask mandate. Businesses may remain open, but they should encourage teleworking when possible. • Kansas: Gov. Outdoor public gatherings are capped at 50 people, but larger groups can gather with permission from the health department. From Dec. 5 to Jan. 2, indoor sports practices and competitions will be prohibited. Restaurants can offer only outdoor dining, and retail stores must limit capacity to 25 percent. Travelers, visitors and residents arriving in the state after high-risk travel must meet self-quarantine restrictions. People over age 9 must wear a face covering whenever they leave home, indoors or outdoors, including at private gatherings. Outdoor social gatherings of more than 150 people are permitted only if individuals from separate households can maintain a 6-foot distance from one another. Restaurants must limit party size to six people and enforce a 90-minute time limit on diners. In group gatherings, individuals from separate households are encouraged to maintain a 6-foot distance from one another. Personal care businesses, such as hair salons, can remain open but by appointment only. In orange counties, public and private gatherings cannot exceed 10 participants or people from more than two households. Eateries can operate at 100 percent capacity but must continue to require patrons to wear a face covering when inside except when they are eating or drinking. Movie theaters, concert venues and other entertainment areas can reopen but must follow strict guidelines. Indoor gatherings at private residences cannot include people from more than two households. • Michigan: Under the direction of Gov. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Under the new guidance, the businesses can operate at a limited capacity if certain benchmarks are met. Effective Dec. 12, the state moved from the orange to the yellow phase of its reopening plan. People living in long-term care facilities and other at-risk individuals, such as those with severe lung or heart disease, must continue to shelter in place. Masks are recommended but no longer required in salons and barbershops, among other personal care businesses. Previously, Baker amended a mask mandate. • Indiana: Gov. Want more wedding information and inspiration? In Wales, wedding receptions can have up to 15 people indoors and 30 people outdoors. Gretchen Whitmer (D) the health department ordered a pause that sets new restrictions on gatherings and certain businesses, effective Nov. 18. Indoor gatherings are capped at 10 people. Mr Gunner said these restrictions would stay in place until at least June 18, and then it would be up to the Commonwealth, land councils, and communities to lift the restrictions. Indoor gatherings are limited to 10 people if social distancing cannot be maintained and outdoor gatherings to 50 people if social distancing cannot be maintained. Retail stores can continue to allow a limited number of customers inside. Businesses should encourage remote work and take precautions where telecommuting isn’t possible, such as avoid congregating in conference rooms. Ralph Northam (D) ordered a modified stay-at-home mandate, effective Dec. 14. Gatherings at event venues are limited to 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoors. • Virginia: Gov. Most businesses can operate at 25 percent capacity with maximum customer limits that depend on the type of establishment (for example, close-contact businesses are capped at 10 people). Individuals arriving in D.C. from an area with a high rate of infection must get tested 72 hours before arrival and then tested again three to five days after arriving. Restaurants can offer indoor service at full capacity, but parties must be separated by 6 feet and restaurants must stop serving alcohol by 10 p.m. Individuals age 2 and older must wear a mask in public indoor spaces if within 6 feet of others from outside their household for 15 minutes or longer. Offices must close to the maximum extent possible. Restaurants can offer indoor dining service but must limit occupancy. Event venues, such as ballrooms, are limited to 25 percent capacity with a cap on the number of people. Restaurant patrons and staff must wear masks except when eating or drinking. The order also extended gathering restrictions. Places of worship are exempt. Outdoor gatherings are allowed but capped at 25 people. Bars are closed. People 11 and older must wear a face covering in indoor public spaces or while using public transportation or ride-hailing services. • Colorado: Gov. Travel and holidays. Grocery stores and gas stations are among businesses exempt from the nighttime closure. Tom Wolf (D) issued temporary coronavirus-related restrictions, effective from Dec. 12 until Jan. 4. Previously, Bowser issued adjustments to Phase 2 of the District’s reopening plan, effective Nov. 25. Beaches are open, but the governor has authorized local authorities to close or restrict public access points if it’s necessary to protect visitors’ health. You are leaving and going to the website of our trusted provider. Retail establishments can reopen for indoor shopping but must limit occupancy to 50 percent. Terms & Conditions | Gov. High-risk team sports (other than collegiate or professional teams) are on pause until Jan. 19. Gov. Please return to to learn more about other benefits. And when that doesn't work, she'll be parked on the sofa midway through a Netlfix crime documentary binge. Kansas. However, restaurants must stop alcohol service at 10 p.m. And effective Dec. 14, restaurants will be required to restrict occupancy to 25 percent of their indoor capacity. At private residences, indoor and outdoor gatherings are capped at 10 people. Personal-care services must limit capacity to 25 percent, with a maximum of 25 people. The NSW Government has eased a range of restrictions from 7 December 2020. The order lasts until Nov. 30. Kristi Noem signed an order putting the state’s “Back to Normal” plan in effect. Outdoor events are limited to 25 percent capacity or 75 people (whichever is smaller). Instead, these events and venues will be subject to the two-square-metre capacity rule. Masks are required at large gatherings. That said, the wise counsel remains that negotiation is the best way forward as reaching an agreement which feels fair to everyone.”. Outdoor gatherings cannot exceed five people outside the household. Indoor gatherings are capped at 10 people. Bar areas inside of restaurants and other food and drink establishments, gyms and recreational venues, such as bowling alleys, are among places that must close. • Georgia: Gov. Anyone arriving in Rhode Island from an area with a high community COVID-19 spread rate must self-quarantine for 14 days or provide results of a negative coronavirus test. There is an exception for “willful, malicious or intentional misconduct.”. • Texas: Gov. In high-risk red counties, indoor dining isn’t permitted, outdoor dining is limited to 25 percent capacity and food establishments that serve alcohol must close by 9 p.m. Restaurants must restrict dine-in service to 50 percent capacity (down from 75 percent) and close for on-premises dining between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The mandate also applies to anyone who traveled on a cruise ship on or after March 15. Houses of worship may operate at 25 percent occupancy with a maximum of 100 people indoors or 150 people outdoors. People with COVID-19 or its symptoms are required to stay at home. Indoor event venues and theaters must limit occupancy to 25 people per room. So, while there’s now some clarity on whether or not your wedding should go ahead, it raises a whole new bunch of questions and concerns about your legal rights, refunds and protocol when it comes to cancelling your wedding. Restaurants, bars, movie theaters and performing arts venues are among businesses that must close by 9 p.m. And counties designated as yellow must limit social gatherings to 100 people. Justice also postponed winter sports and announced that schools will be shuttered for seven days after Thanksgiving. Under its current tier 2 phase, most businesses are limited to operating at 50 percent capacity and gatherings of more than five people are prohibited. wedding and funeral receptions Indoor gathering limit with social distancing for faith gatherings, wedding ceremonies and funeral services that are run by a recognized business or organization - 50% of the venue's capacity up to 100 people maximum indoors (receptions are not permitted). High schools, recreation centers and sports clubs must suspend all physical sports and organized athletic activities for high schoolers. Raimondo also placed further restrictions on public and private gatherings. Just a few days ago, the PM released a three-step plan in order to lift restrictions around the country, with the final call left in the hands of the state and territory leaders when it comes to the timing and how the plan is rolled out in each jurisdiction. Outdoor service is permitted, but seating is capped at 50 patrons. Effective Nov. 14, individuals age 9 and older must wear a face covering in all indoor public spaces whether or not social distancing can be maintained. Restaurants and bars are no longer subject to occupancy restrictions. Justice also postponed winter sports and announced that schools will be shuttered for seven days after Thanksgiving. Outdoor dining is permitted, but no more than five people can be seated at a table. If cancellation or a refund is not possible through talking to the business and couples need to contact their insurer, they should always check the terms and conditions of their wedding insurance to see exactly what circumstances it covers.”. The court ruled that a 1945 law Whitmer relied on to issue the orders was unconstitutional, and that Whitmer thus lacked the authority for her actions. Steve Bullock (D) directed individuals age 5 and older to wear a mask in indoor public spaces or when outdoors if 25 or more people are gathered and social distancing cannot be maintained. Level green is the least restrictive, under which businesses can operate at 50 percent capacity or 500 people, whichever is smaller. • California: Under the direction of Gov. Retail stores may operate at 50 percent capacity, and museums can open indoors at 25 percent capacity. On 19 March, the Church of England announced that wedding ceremonies would be restricted to five people. Previously, Justice rescinded an order prohibiting the general public from visiting nursing homes. Businesses are encouraged to follow recommended guidance. Doug Burgum (R), the state health officer extended a mask mandate that requires individuals age 5 and older to wear a mask in indoor public spaces and businesses or when outdoors when social distancing cannot be maintained. Religious and political gatherings are exempt. Other nonessential businesses, such as amusement parks, movie theaters, museums, hair salons, barbershops, gyms, retail stores and massage parlors, can resume operations if safety precautions are taken. Effective Nov. 20, businesses should have employees work remotely as much as possible. Limited exceptions include gatherings at houses of worship, which can operate indoors at 25 percent capacity or 50 people (whichever is smaller). Counties can opt out of the mandate or issue their own. The new order went into effect Nov. 20 and lasts until Dec. 13. Outdoor dining is capped at 50 people and cannot include more than six individuals in a party. Businesses should also implement sanitation and social distancing practices. Masks must be worn at gyms and fitness centers even with social distancing. The new order lasts until Jan. 31. Again, you should speak with your insurers as soon as possible with regards to claiming refunds for the wedding. If the number of people at an outdoor event venue exceeds 25, the host must notify the local health board. Dubai wedding organisers and dressmakers flooded with calls after ban lifted. • New Hampshire: Gov. Bars are closed. “If flight is not cancelled travel insurance becomes key and whether guests are entitled to a refund will all depend on what their particular policy covers and when it was taken out.”. Individuals over age 5 must wear a face covering in indoor public spaces, when obtaining health care services, while using transportation services, or in outdoor public spaces if a 6-foot distance between non-household members cannot be maintained. Scott put recreational sports on pause and announced that businesses must reinstate teleworking policies as much as possible. DeSantis’ new order also removes fees or penalties for individuals who don’t follow social distancing practices, including mask mandates. PM announces easing of lockdown restrictions: 23 June 2020 Prime Minister Boris Johnson has today set out further changes to lockdown measures in England. Check with your local municipality for additional restrictions in your area. For social gatherings, Evers recommended avoiding get-togethers with anyone outside the household. “What I mean here is that the wedding may have been forced to be so small that there are grounds to cancel or postpone it.”. Henry McMaster (R) issued an order lifting occupancy limits on restaurants. Gatherings are limited to 5 people. Restaurants are closed for on-premises dining, but takeout and delivery are permitted. Private gatherings, indoors or outdoors, cannot exceed six people. Nonwork get-togethers are allowed, but individuals from different households must maintain a 6-foot distance from one another. Retail stores, gyms, offices and museums are among business that must reduce capacity to 40 percent. Previously, Brown ordered people 5 and older to wear face coverings in outdoor areas where a 6-foot distance cannot be maintained and in indoor public spaces. AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that empowers people to choose how they live as they age. Hair salons, gyms, museums and other businesses should follow safety and sanitation protocols. • South Dakota: Gov. The Division of Public Health has recommended not socializing with anyone outside your household and not spending holiday dinners with anyone outside your household, even family members. Masks must be worn while exercising in gyms or exercising outdoors within 6 feet of a non-household member. Chris Sununu (R) ordered individuals over age 5 to wear face coverings in indoor or outdoor public spaces if social distancing with people outside the household cannot be maintained. Indoor gatherings are capped at 10 people. (The remaining six counties are subject to the restrictions of their health departments.) Visit the AARP state page for information about events, news and resources near you. Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett announced that effective Nov. 15, Marion County indoor bars, gyms, museums and other entertainment venues must limit capacity to 25 percent. Counties with no more than 20 active COVID-19 cases are exempt. Wedding rules list in full: What you CAN and CAN’T do as lockdown lifts - Guidance WEDDINGS will be able to commence from Saturday, July 4, but saying "I … Status of Stay-at-Home order. It’s a testing time for us all, but if you’re planning a wedding and are facing the tough decision of having to cancel or postpone your big day amid the COVID-19 crisis, we’re here to lend a helping hand. Because the restrictions have been extended another week, business and unemployment relief programs have also been extended. Previously, Bullock directed the state’s economy to reopen in phases. Kay Ivey (R), the state health officer has amended a safer-at-home order to remain in effect until 5 p.m. Dec. 11. John Bel Edwards (D) announced he is rolling the state back from phase 3 to a modified version of phase 2 restrictions of the state’s reopening plan. Private businesses can enforce their own restrictions, such as requiring patrons to follow social distancing practices. And the guidance says places of worship will not be open until 4 July at the earliest. Privacy Policy | Wedding bells are ringing again in Massachusetts as Phase 3 allows larger events to resume, but not everyone in the business is happy to say "I Do" to some of the new rules. Hair salons and barber shops can reopen, but they must take appointments and limit occupancy. Gov. A travel mandate requires those visiting Maine to show a negative COVID-19 test or opt to self-quarantine for 10 days. Kim Reynolds (R) signed a proclamation imposing a mask mandate and tightening restrictions on gatherings to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. • Oklahoma: Gov. Ducey also modified the rules for large gatherings. CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Wedding receptions of up to 300 guests can now resume in Ohio, with no dancing, no mingling and other coronavirus restrictions for restaurants. Limited exceptions include gatherings at houses of worship, which can operate indoors at 25 percent capacity or 50 people (whichever is smaller). • North Dakota: Under the direction of Gov. Previously, Carney signed an order combining coronavirus-related restrictions. Under Phase 2 guidelines, museums can operate at reduced capacity and with other safety protocols in place. • Washington: Gov. Offices must close to the maximum extent possible. Retail stores, houses of worship and most other businesses can operate at 60 percent capacity, with restrictions. All businesses can operate and should implement social distancing practices. Gov. Indoor entertainment and fitness facilities can also operate at 25 percent capacity or 50 people. Jim Justice (R) announced he is revising a statewide mask mandate. Exceptions include leaving to go to work, to grocery stores, or for other emergencies or essentials. The governor said that, starting Dec. 21, closed businesses will be allowed to open with limited capacity, and restaurants will be allowed to move to 50 percent capacity. A statewide mask mandate requires anyone over age 2 to wear a face covering when indoors in a public space or when outside if a 6-foot distance between people cannot be maintained. Restaurants in regions outside of New York City can resume dine-in service at 50 percent capacity. No counties are in the most restrictive purple level. Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to reflect new information. You will be asked to register or log in. Individuals must also wear masks outdoors if social distancing cannot be maintained. Hotels, inns, bed-and-breakfasts and other lodging areas were allowed to resume operations May 22, but all nonessential travelers must follow a self-quarantine mandate. Gyms can operate at 10 percent capacity, with a maximum of 10 people. Under phase 3 of the state’s Stay Safe plan, gyms, movie theaters, concert halls and museums can open but must limit the number of visitors. Masks aren’t required when in a personal office or when exercising at a gym, among other exceptions. Tony Evers (D) issued a stay-at-home order recommending — but not requiring — actions Wisconsinites should take to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Restaurants can continue to offer indoor dining but must reduce capacity to 33 percent, and only members from the same household can sit at a table together. Consumer law expert Gary Rycroft adds: “Things will become much more complicated as and when the ban on weddings is lifted while other Covid-19 restrictions are in place. He also signed a bill into law that requires businesses to report COVID-19 outbreaks to local officials as well as any employees who may have been exposed to the virus while at work. 14th March – US to extend European travel ban to UK from 4am Monday – US Couples marrying in the UK need to consider when their wedding in the UK is planned for … Andrew Cuomo (D) announced he is shutting down indoor dining in New York City restaurants for two weeks, effective Dec. 14. Movie theaters can operate at 40 percent capacity with a 50-person limit per room. Retail and grocery stores can continue to operate at 50 percent fire code capacity with other safety and sanitation protocols in place. Under the current health advisory to reopen the state’s economy, gyms and other fitness venues can resume operations if they follow safety protocols. In yellow counties, public and private gatherings cannot exceed 10 participants or people from more than two households. Masks are also required outdoors if a 6-foot distance between nonhousehold members cannot be maintained. Restaurants can continue to offer indoor dining but must reduce capacity to 33 percent, and only members from the same household can sit at a table together. Individuals can leave the residence during those hours for food, meds and other essentials, to exercise, or to go to work, among other exceptions. Gatherings at theaters, arenas, stadiums, auctions and similar establishments can increase to 50 percent capacity if indoors (up from 25 percent) and 100 percent capacity if outdoors. Restaurants and bars must shutter indoor service. Little stopped short of issuing a statewide mask mandate, but masks are required at long-term care facilities. Of people at an outdoor event venue exceeds 25, the state ’ s policies... Limit customers or visitors to 75 percent capacity with other safeguards require remote work and take precautions where isn. 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