Knitr example with an RNA Degradation Model ======================================================== **Todd R. Riley** First, we must load the affy and ALLMLL packages, and then load the MLL.B dataset from the ALLMLL package: ```{r} library(affy) library(ALLMLL) data(MLL.B, package = "ALLMLL") ``` The first line of the following R code will create an RNA degradation model. In the second line we will visualize the model with overlapping histogram plots: ```{r} degrade <- AffyRNAdeg(MLL.B) ``` ```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=6} plotAffyRNAdeg(degrade, col=1:20) ``` Number of probesets N in the RNA degradation calculations is `r degrade$N`. This plot shows the average degradation across all the probe locations in order 5' to 3'.